package Enbld::Command::Help; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw/Enbld::Command/; sub do { my $help = do { local $/; <DATA> }; print $help . "\n"; return $_[0]; } 1; __DATA__ Usage: enbld command target [option] Commands: available displays all software supported by Enbld available target displays all version of target software install target installs target software install target ver installs the specific version of target software list displays installed software list target displays all installed version of target software outdated displays all outdated software upgrade target installs upgraded target software rehash target re-create target software's symbolic link freeze displays a conditions script reproduce installed software deploy ~/path deploys all installed software to specific path Options: -h,--help Displays Enbld's help. -v,--version Displays Enbld's version. -f,--force Install target whether it is installed or not. -t,--test Execute target's test at installtion process. -c,--curret Displays target's current installed version at 'freeze' command. SEE ALSO To see more detailed help, type below command. $ enblder intro # displays perldoc of lib/ $ enblder tutorial # displays perldoc of lib/Enbld/ $ perldoc enblder # displays perldoc of bin/enblder