Revision history for Perl module REST::Neo4p
0.2112 2013-11-05
- Changes file conforms to CPAN::Changes::Spec (thanks NEILB)
0.2111 2013-11-05
- pod typo fixes
0.2110 2013-10-16
- and use pure File::Temp objects for
autocleanup that seems to just work (thanks symondsjo)
0.2101 2013-07-29
- REST::Neo4p::agent() allows access to the LWP::UserAgent to change
parameters, add credentials, etc. before/after connection
0.2100 2013-04-16
- experimental support for Neo4j-2.0
- set_property, remove_property returns the object itself on
success (for chaining calls)
- added create_unique functionality to node and relationship indexes
0.2013 2013-02-10
- fixed bad Perl in Index synopsis
0.2012 2012-12-03
- modified _fix_constraints regexp to accommodate 5.10 and less
0.2010 2012-11-24
- REST::Neo4p::Query::fetch() now supports array responses
(thanks Joseph)
- fetch() now throws a reasonable exception if the query has not
been execute()d
0.20 2012-11-20
- Added support for application-level constraints (REST::Neo4p::Constrain
and REST::Neo4p::Constraint)
- refactored tests to better cleanup test entities on failed suites
- Module version numbers reflect last version in which the module was
- fixed problem with escaped spaces in queries
0.1285 2012-11-18
- get_<entity> methods in REST::Neo4p now quietly return undef if item
not found (thanks Sergei)
0.1284 2012-11-14
- fixed incorrect handling of comm errors in REST::Neo4p::Agent
- added request retry capability (see REST::Neo4p::Agent pod)
(thanks Joseph)
- REST::Neo4p::Index::add_entry allows multiple key-value pairs
(thanks Joseph)
0.1283 2012-10-23
- fixed rt80343 (thanks Joseph)
- get_property on a property that doesn't exist now just returns
undef (rather than throwing an exception)
- remove() checks for a NotFoundException and simply destroys the
Perl object (rather than throwing an exception)
0.1282 2012-10-15
- fixed rt80196 (thanks Sergei)
- added newlines to all exception messages
- updated $VERSION for all modules
0.128 2012-10-13
- fixed rt80150 (thanks Joseph)
0.127 2012-10-04
- Added start_node(), end_node() to Relationship object (thanks Joseph)
0.1262 2012-09-24
- Added REST::Neo4p::Exceptions pod
0.1261 2012-09-22
- Pod fixes
0.126 2012-09-22
- LWP::UserAgent v6.04 or greater required
- Batch feature implemented, new tests (008, 009)
0.1251 2012-09-18
- Pod fixes (thanks Mat)
0.125 2012-09-11
- Query responses are now sent to disk and rows are streamed from
there by the fetch() iterator
0.124 2012-09-10
- try/catch (with eval {}) all REST::Neo4p::Agent calls; rethrow
- REST::Neo4p::Agent - 'X-Stream: true' added as a default header
(use $agent->no_stream to remove)
0.123 2012-09-08
- fixed a bug in index constructor
0.122 2012-09-08
- auto creation of accessors now works on properties
created in the constructor
- added tests for above in 007_accessors.t
- fixed the set_property pod (needs a hashref arg, not an array)
0.121 2012-09-04
- fixed the get_by_id methods in REST::Neo4p; they correctly return
all entities (including indexes) present already in database
- added tests for above in 005_db.t
- pod fixes
0.12 2012-08-30
- added REST::Neo4p::Path to support paths returned by queries
- added a few more exception throws
- built out pod
- added pod tests
0.1 2012-08-29
- First release to CPAN
- original version created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.51