Revision history for Perl extension JSON.
## JSON version 2.xx #####################################################
In this version, JSON was totally rewritten.
* JSON becomes a wrapper to JSON::XS or JSON::PP!
* objToJson() and jsonToObj() are obsoleted!
* $JSON::* variables are no longer available!
* JSON::Parser and JSON::Converter are deleted from the distribution!
* JSONRPC* and Apache::JSONRPC are deleted from the distribution!
Please check JSON::RPC (supports JSON-RPC protocol v1.1 and 1.0).
2.14 Tue Feb 24 11:20:24 2009
- the compatible XS version was miswritten in document.
2.13 Sat Feb 21 17:01:05 2009
- decode() didn't upgrade unicode escaped charcters \u0080-\u00ff.
this problem was pointed by rt#43424 (Mika Raento)
- fixed utf8::encode/decode emulators bugs.
- defined a missing B module constant in Perl 5.6.0.
(reported by Clinton Pierce)
- _decode_unicode() returned a 0x80-0xff value as UTF8 encoded byte.
- added a refference to JSON::XS's document "JSON and ECMAscript".
- fixed a typo in the document (pointed by Jim Cromie).
2.12 Wed Jul 16 11:14:35 2008
- made compatible with JSON::XS 2.22
- fixed the incremental parser in negative nest level
(pointed and patched by Yuval Kogman)
2.11 Tue Jun 17 14:30:01 2008
- fixed the decoding process which checks number.
regarded number like chars in Unicode (ex. U+FF11) as [\d].
- enhanced error messages compatible to JSON::XS.
2.10 Tue Jun 3 18:42:11 2008
- made compatible with JSON::XS 2.21
* updated the document.
- added an item pointed by rt#32361 to the doc.
[JSON::PP] [JSON::PP58] [JSON::PP56] [JSON::PP5005]
- made compatible with JSON::XS 2.21
* added incr_reset
- removed useless codes.
2.09 Sun Apr 20 20:45:33 2008
- made compatible with JSON::XS 2.2
- changed pod section totally.
[JSON::PP] 2.20001
- made compatible witg JSON::XS 2.2
* lifted the log2 rounding restriction of max_depth and max_size.
* incremental json parsing (EXPERIMENTAL).
* allow_unknown/get_allow_unknown methods.
- the version format was changed.
X.YYZZZ => X.YY is the same as JSON::XS. ZZZ is the PP own version.
- changed pod section totally.
2.08 Sat Apr 12 22:49:39 2008
- fixed JSON::Boolean inheritance mechanism.
If the backend is XS with support_by_pp mode and using PP only
support method, JSON::Boolean did not work correctly.
Thanks to hg[at]apteryx's point.
[JSON::PP] 2.07
- Now split into JSON::PP58 for Perl 5.8 and lator.
- enhanced an error message compatible to JSON::XS
did not croak when TO_JSON method returns same object as passed.
- modified for Perls post 5.8.0 that don't have utf8::is_utf8.
Thanks to Andreas Koenig.
2.07 Sat Feb 16 15:52:29 2008
- experimentally added -convert_blessed_universally to define
UNIVERSAL::TO_JSON subroutine.
use JSON -convert_blessed_universally;
$json->convert_blessed->encode( $blessed );
- and as_nonbleesed is obsoleted (not yet removed). OK?
- fixed t/04_pretty.t.
2.06 Fri Feb 8 16:21:59 2008
[JSON::PP] 2.06
- enhanced the XS compatibility for pretty-printing
and the indent handling was broken!
2.05 Tue Feb 5 13:57:19 2008
[JSON::PP] 2.05
- enhanced some XS compatibilities for de/encode.
- now decode_error can dump high (>127) chars.
- enhanced the XS combatilbity of the decoding error.
- fixed the utf8 checker while decoding (is_valid_utf8).
- implemented utf8::downgrade in JSON::PP56.
- enhanced utf8::encode in JSON::PP56.
- made utf8::downgrade return a true in JSON::PP5005.
2.04 Sat Jan 5 16:10:01 2008
- fixed a document typo pointed by kawasaki@annocpan
- make DATA handle closed for error mssages in support_by_pp mode.
- switched JSON::Backend::XS::Supportable wrapper de/encode
to changing symbolic tables for croak messages and speed.
- fixed support_by_pp setting
[JSON::PP] 2.04
- enhanced the error message compatiblity to XS.
2.03 Fri Jan 4 14:10:58 2008
- fixed the description - Transition ways from 1.xx to 2.xx.
$JSON::ConvBlessed compat => $json->allow_blessed->as_nonbleesed
- support_by_pp supports 'as_nonbleesed' (experimental)
- clean up the code for saving memory
[JSON::PP] 2.03
- Now the allo_bignum flag also affects the encoding process.
encode() can convert Math::BigInt/Float objects into JSON numbers
- added as_nonblessed option (experimental)
- cleaned up internal function names (renamed camel case names)
2.02 Wed Dec 26 11:08:19 2007
- Now support_by_pp allows to use indent_length()
[JSON::PP] 2.02
- added get_indent_length
2.01 Thu Dec 20 11:30:59 2007
- made the object methods - jsonToObj and objToJson
available for a while with warnings.
2.00 Wed Dec 19 11:48:04 2007
- new version!
- modified Makefile.PL for broken Perls (when PERL_DL_NONLAZY = 1).
[JSON::PP] 2.0104
- clean up the document.
- use 'subs' instead of CORE::GLOBAL for fixing join() in 5.8.0 - 5.8.2
- enhanced decoding error messages for JSON::XS compatibility.
- jsonToObj and objToJson warn.
1.99_05 Fri Dec 14 18:30:43 2007
- added a description about the Unicode handling to document.
[JSON::PP] (2.0103)
- Now the JSON::PP56 unicode handling does not require Unicode::String.
- Now JSON::PP5005 can de/enocde properly within the Perl 5.005 world.
- decode() always utf8::decode()ed to strings.
- decode() returned a big integer as string though the integer is
smaller than it is so.
- a bad know how - added the join() wrapper for Perl 5.8.0 - 5.8.2 bug.
- JSON::PP56 encode() did not handle Unicode properly.
- added a section about the unicode handling on Perls to JSON::PP doc.
1.99_04 Mon Dec 10 14:28:15 2007
- modified the tests and source for Perl 5.005
[JSON::PP] (2.0102)
- modified some prototypes in JSON::PP5005.
1.99_03 Mon Dec 10 11:43:02 2007
- modified tests and document.
in Perl5.8.2 or earlier, decoding with utf8 is broken because of
a Perl side problem. (join() had a bug.)
- modified Makefile.PL for Perl 5.005.
in the version, 'require JSON' is fail....
[JSON::PP] (2.0102)
- modified string decode function.
- enhanced error messages for compatibility to JSON::XS.
- enhanced utf8::decode emulator and unpack emulator in JSON::PP56.
1.99_02 Sun Dec 9 05:06:19 2007
[JSON::PP] (2.0101)
- decoding with utf8 was broken in Perl 5.10
as the behaviour of unpack was changed.
- added a fake in JSON::PP5005 (
- added the missing file
1.99_01 Sat Dec 8 12:01:43 2007
- released as version 2.0
this module is incompatible to 1.xx, so check the document.
[JSON::PP] (2.01 from 0.97)
- updated JSON::PP for compatible to JSON::XS 2.01
- renamed from_json and to_json to decode_json and encode_json
- added get_* to JSON::PP
- deleted property() from JSON::PP
- deleted strict() and added loose()
- deleted disable_UTF8() and self_encode()
- renamed singlequote to allow_singlequote
- renamed allow_bigint to allow_bignum
- max_depth and max_size round up their arguments.
- added indent_length and sort_by
## JSON version 1.xx
1.15 Wed Nov 14 14:52:31 2007
- 1.xx final version.
0.09 Sat Apr 9 15:27:47 2005
- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-XA -b 5.5.3 -n JSON