Revision history for Perl extension JSON::RPC.
###### In the next large version up ######################################
* JSON::RPC::Server::Apache will be renamed to JSON::RPC::Server::Apache2
and split into another distribution.
* JSON::RPC::Server::Apache really supports apache 1.3x
and the maintainer will be changed.
* the maintainer of JSON::RPC::Server::FastCGI will be changed
and split into another distribution.
0.95 Fri Feb 15 16:01:04 2008
- sample codes were indexed...!
fixed package for avoiding the indexer.
0.94 Fri Feb 15 15:16:32 2008
- no change but examples was forgotten.
0.93 Fri Feb 15 14:46:17 2008
- added example codes.
- now AUTOLOAD method after prepare() can support built-in methods.
$client -> __VERSION__ ( => $client calls the name 'VERSION' procedure )
- Your application can set subroutines allowable by allowable_procedure().
(Thanks to seagull's suggestion)
- JSON::RPC::Server::Apache config supports 'return_die_message'.
- require LWP::UserAgent 2.001 or later.
0.92 Thu Feb 14 13:12:40 2008
- modified the JSON::RPC::Client prepare mode to check response errors.
(Thanks to Colin Meyer)
- fixed retrieve_json_from_get in JSON::RPC::Server::CGI.
- implemented JSON::RPC::Server::Apache to support the GET method call.
- fixed JSON::RPC::ReturnObject decoding JSON data with utf8 mode.
($client -> call() ->result will return Unicode characters (if contained).)
- added some descriptions to the JSON::RPC::Client pod.
0.91 Wed Dec 19 15:51:53 2007
- JSON::RPC::Client used JSON::PP.
- added create_json_coder() to JSON::RPC::Client.
0.90 Wed Dec 19 13:26:15 2007
- Now default JSON coder is JSON! (1.99 or later)
- added JSON::RPC::Server::FastCGI written by Faiz Kazi, thanks!
- added JSONRPC for guide to this distribution.
- cleaned up JSON::RPC::Server::CGI
- added create_json_coder() to JSON::RPC::Server.
- modified J::R::Server::* as does not work well in Perl 5.005
0.01 Mon May 21 14:18:33 2007
- original version