0.16    2012-01-21
        Mark Allen      Remove union type in ReservationInfo

0.15    2012-01-18
        Mark Allen      Fix groupSet params RT#67145
        Mark Allen      Support proxy environment variables RT#67145
        Mark Allen      Update doc for 0.15
        Mark Fowler     fix all warnings podchecker warns us about
        Mark Allen      Make tag creation use a hash instead of arrayrefs
        Jeff Finucane   documentation fix
        Jeff Finucane   avoid 'Request has expired' on long lived Net::Amazon::EC2 objects
        Jeff Finucane   add group_name to NAE::GroupSet and fix live test "Checking for running instance"
        Jeff Finucane   add in ssl support as suggested by Brad Barden bradford.barden@supervalu.com
        stanaka         Accept an array for resourceId.
        toritori0318    remove debug code
        toritori0318    add delete tags and tags test
        toritori0318    add describe tags and instance name.
        stanaka         add create_tags
        stanaka         import 0.14 from cpan