use File::Spec; use FindBin qw($Bin); use IPC::Open3; use Test::More; use Config; my $pid = undef; my $stdout = undef; my $stderr = undef; # get path to perldoc exec in a hopefully platform neutral way.. my ($volume, $bindir, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath($Bin); my $perldoc = File::Spec->catpath($volume,$bindir, File::Spec->catfile(qw(blib script perldoc))); my @dir = ($bindir,"lib","Pod"); my $podpath = File::Spec->catdir(@dir); my $good_podfile = File::Spec->catpath($volume,$podpath,""); my $bad_podfile = File::Spec->catpath($volume,$podpath,""); if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { $perldoc = File::Spec->catfile('..','..','utils', ($Config{usecperl}?'c':'').'perldoc'); @dir = ("lib","Pod"); $good_podfile = File::Spec->catfile(@dir,""); $bad_podfile = File::Spec->catfile(@dir,""); } plan tests => 7; # First, look for something that should be there eval{ $pid = open3(\*CHLD_IN,\*CHLD_OUT1,\*CHLD_ERR1,"$^X " .$perldoc." ".$good_podfile); }; is(length($@),0,"open succeeded"); # returns '' not undef ok(defined($pid),"got process id"); #gather STDOUT while(<CHLD_OUT1>){ $stdout .=$_; } #check STDOUT like($stdout,qr/Look up Perl documentation/,"got expected output in STDOUT"); while(<CHLD_ERR1>){ $stderr .=$_; } #is($stderr,undef,"no output to STDERR as expected"); # Then look for something that should not be there $stdout = undef; $stderr = undef; eval{ $pid = open3(\*CHLD_IN,\*CHLD_OUT2,\*CHLD_ERR2,"$^X " .$perldoc." ".$bad_podfile); }; is(length($@),0,"open succeeded"); # returns '' not undef ok(defined($pid),"got process id"); #gather STDOUT while(<CHLD_OUT2>){ $stdout .=$_; } #check STDOUT is($stdout,undef,"no output to STDOUT as expected"); while(<CHLD_ERR2>){ $stderr .=$_; } like($stderr,qr/No documentation/,"got expected output in STDERR");