Revision history for Perl extension Try::Catch.

1.0.0  2016 2016-01-28
	- add missing license info (Russell Jenkins)
	- add link to the source repository (Russell Jenkins)
	- bump version to stable release

0.0.5  2015 2015-07-03
	- typo in module discription
	- bump version!!!

0.0.4  2015 2015-07-03
	- documentation
	- prepare to release on cpan

0.0.3  2014 2014-12-28
	- block must be ordered
	- try block will die by default if there is no catch block
	- more benchmarks

0.0.2  2014 2014-12-20
	- Remove Global variables
	- Adding nested tests

0.0.1  2014 2014-12-18
	- initial version
	- no cpan release yet