Revision history for Crypt-Affine

0.07  2015-01-16T15:25:00+01:00
      - Removed SIGNATURE file.
      - Updated MANIFEST.SKIP file to ignore folder 'eumm/'.
      - Updated Copyright year information.

0.06  2014-10-26T18:28:00+01:00
      - Rebuild the distribution using ExtUtils::MakeMaker v7.00 so that META files created with dependencies.

0.05  2014-10-25T23:55:25+01:00
      - Updated Changes file according to CPAN::Changes::Spec package.
      - Added unit test changes.t file.

0.04  2014-10-25T21:50:25+01:00
      - Restructured code using 'Moo'.
      - Added section 'Repository' to the pod document.

0.03  2014-10-25T20:30:00+01:00
      - Removed Build.PL file.
      - Tidied up MANIFEST file.

0.02  2011-08-22T14:15:16+01:00
      - Minor changes to pod.

0.01  2011-08-11T11:22:00+01:00
      - First version, released.