Revision history for Data-Password-Filter

0.10  2015-01-16T15:45:10+01:00
      - Removed SIGNATURE file.
      - Updated MANIFEST.SKIP file to ignore folder 'eumm/'.
      - Updated Copyright year information.

0.09  2014-10-26T18:13:20+01:00
      - Updated Changes file according to CPAN::Changes::Spec package.
      - Added unit test changes.t file.

0.08  2014-10-24T22:38:10+01:00
      - Made the package File::ShareDir::Install pre-requisite in the Makefile.PL file.

0.07  2014-10-19T19:00:00+01:00
      - Restructure the code using 'Moo'.
      - Extracted the dictionary data into seprate file.

0.06  2014-10-19T16:35:00+01:00
      - Removed Build.PL file.
      - General tidied up code base.

0.05  2013-02-02T13:14:19+01:00
      - Fixed the bug RT# 83027, RT# 83090.

0.04  2011-09-01T01 09:10:11+01:00
      - Added more test around the user defined dictionary file.
      - Minor changes to the pod of Data::Password::Filter::Dictionary module.
      - Minor changes to the pod of Data::Password::Filter.
      - Cosmetics changes to the method BUILD().

0.03  2011-08-30T07:08:09+01:00
      - Refactored code base.
      - Added more unit test case.

0.02  2011-08-29T13:14:15+01:00
      - Cleaned up code slightly.

0.01  2011-08-28T07:00:00+01:00
      - Module Created.