Revision history for Map::Tube::London

1.09  2018-07-24
      - Updated section NOTES for the line "Central".

1.08  2018-07-23
      - Updated section NOTES for the line "Bakerloo".

1.07  2018-07-08
      - Used File::ShareDir v1.114 instead of File::Share.
      - Explicitly added configure prereq File::ShareDir::Install v0.13.

1.06  2018-06-28
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.53.

1.05  2018-06-11
      - Used new_ok() in test script.

1.04  2018-06-02
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.51.

1.03  2018-05-16
      - Tidied up code in the pod.

1.02  2018-05-08
      - Upgraded to use Test::Map::Tube v0.44.

1.01  2018-04-24
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.50.

1.00  2018-04-08
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.49.

0.99  2018-03-28
      - Making use of 'lazy' of Moo.

0.98  2018-03-19
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.45.

0.97  2018-01-31
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.44.

0.96  2017-12-28
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.43.

0.95  2017-12-02
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.42.

0.94  2017-11-19
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.40.

0.93  2017-11-09
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.37.
      - Upgraded to use Test::Map::Tube v0.35.

0.92  2017-10-31
      - Fixed missing line information for some of the stations.
      - Fixed typo in station name.
      - Updated test script with regard to name fix.
      - Replaced namespace:clean with namespace::autoclean.

0.91  2017-10-24
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.36.

0.90  2017-10-13
      - Updated london map data with regard to the line id.

0.89  2017-10-04
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.35.

0.88  2017-08-19
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.34.

0.87  2017-08-08
      - Added station index for all tube lines.

0.86  2017-08-03
      - Updated Changes file in accordance to CPAN::Changes.
      - Added test script t/changes.t.

0.85  2017-07-05
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.32.

0.84  2017-05-30
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.30.

0.83  2017-05-15
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.29.

0.82  2017-03-20
      - Tidied up test scripts and removed "-T" switch.

0.81  2017-03-16
      - Upgraded to use Test::Map::Tube v0.25.

0.80  2017-03-07
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v3.28.

0.79  2017-02-12
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v3.22.
      - Changed map data file format to JSON.

0.78  2016-10-22
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v3.21.
      - Upgraded to use Test::Map::Tube v0.17.

0.77  2016-08-16
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v3.18.
      - Tidied up github repo url.

0.76  2016-06-27
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v3.15.
      - Consolidated routes testing functions using method ok_map_routes().

0.75  2016-06-15
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v3.13.
      - Updated unit test to respect the above changes.
      - Updated copyright year information.

0.74  2015-09-21
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v3.01.
      - Updated unit test to respect the above changes.

0.73  2015-07-25
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v3.00.

0.72  2015-03-26
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.95.
      - Updated unit test t/route.t with regards to the changes in the package Map::Tube::Route in v2.95.

0.71  2015-03-22
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.90.
      - Added unit test t/route.t to test the new method preferred() that was added to Map::Tube::Route in v2.90.

0.70  2015-03-15
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.89.
      - Updated map data with respect to other link type attribute (new).
      - Added new test case to respect the above changes.

0.69  2015-03-01
      - Added package to list tube stations for Piccadilly lines.
      - Updated link information for the station "Green Park".
      - Updated link information for the station "Osterley".
      - Updated link information for the station "Hatton Cross".
      - Added map for Piccadilly lines.
      - Updated map for London Tube.
      - Tidied up the pod document.

0.68  2015-02-28
      - Added package Map::Tube::London::Line::Overground to the 'provides' list in Makefile.PL file.

0.67  2015-02-28
      - Added File::ShareDir::Install as configure requires in the Makefile.PL file.
      - Added package to list tube stations for London Overground lines.
      - Added map for London Overground lines.
      - Updated map for London Tube.
      - Updated link information for the station "Harrow & Wealdstone".
      - Updated link information for the station "Kensington (Olympia)".
      - Updated link information for the station "West Brompton".
      - Tidied up the pod document.

0.66  2015-02-22
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.87.
      - Updated link information for the station "East Acton".
      - Updated link information for the station "West Acton".
      - Updated Central Line map image to reflect the above changes to the map data.
      - Updated London Tube map image to reflect the above changes to the map data.

0.65  2015-02-22
      - Updated london tube line maps post change in the data xml.
      - Tidied up the pod document.

0.64  2015-02-20
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.86.
      - Added unit test to validate map data (xml) using Test::Map::Tube.

0.63  2015-02-19
      - Updated link information for the station "Green Park".
      - Updated link information for the station "Leicester Square".
      - Updated link information for the station "Surrey Quays".
      - Updated link information for the station "Sydenham".
      - Updated the name of station "Sydenham".
      - Updated London map to reflect the change in the xml data.

0.62  2015-02-19
      - Added 'skip' data for DLR line.
      - Added following stations to the DLR Line:
        - Abbey Road
        - Star Lane
        - Stratford High Street
        - Stratford International
      - Updated the link information for the station "Westferry".
      - Updated the line and link information for the station "West Ham".
      - Updated the link information for the station "Stratford".
      - Updated the link information for the station "Shadwell".
      - Updated the line information for the station "Monument".
      - Updated the link information for the station "Canning Town".
      - Updated station name "Hampstead Heath".
      - Updated station name "Gallions Reach".
      - Updated the map for DLR line.

0.61  2015-02-18
      - Added package Map::Tube::London::Line::DLR to the 'provides' list in Makefile.PL file.

0.60  2015-02-18
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.84.
      - Added package to list tube stations for Dockland Light Railway lines.

0.59  2015-02-17
      - Minor changes to the name of line packages.

0.58  2015-02-17
      - Linked the station "Waterloo" in the Jubilee Line to Waterloo & City Line in the pod document.

0.57  2015-02-17
      - Added package Map::Tube::London::Line::WaterlooCity to the 'provides' list in Makefile.PL file.

0.56  2015-02-17
      - Added package to list tube stations for Waterloo & City lines.

0.55  2015-02-16
      - Corrected London Tube map image name.

0.54  2015-02-16
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.83.
      - Updated sample code in the pod document of Map::Tube::London.
      - Added London tube map.

0.53  2015-02-19
      - Fixed the typo in the line name 'Piccadilly' in the xml data file.

0.52  2015-02-03
      - Updated 'skip' data for Bakerloo line.
      - Added sample map to the pod document of Map::Tube::London.
      - Updated Circle line map visual settings in the pod document.
      - Updated line color code in the xml data file.
      - Re-generated all the london line maps.

0.51  2015-02-01
      - Added package to list tube stations for Victoria lines.
      - Updated the line maps as generated by Map::Tube::Plugin::Graph v0.11.

0.50  2015-01-31
      - Updated line informations for the stations 'Elephant & Castle' and 'King's Cross St. Pancras'.
      - Updated link informations for the stations 'Stockwell' and 'Waterloo'.
      - Updated section "MAP" of the pod document.
      - Updated Northern line tube map.

0.49  2015-01-30
      - Updated link informations for the station 'Euston' in the xml data.
      - Updated Northern line tube map.

0.48  2015-01-29
      - Fixed the line information for the station 'Tottenham Court Road'.
      - Updated the line color information as hex code.
      - Updated the line maps as generated by Map::Tube::Plugin::Graph v0.10.

0.47  2015-01-28
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.77.
      - Added package to list tube stations for Northern lines.

0.46  2015-01-22
      - Patched RT: 101669 (Gisbert W. Selke)
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.70.
      - Updated map xml data and add detailed line informations.
      - Updated generated tube line images using Map::Tube v2.70 and Map::Tube::Plugin::Graph v0.07.

0.45  2015-01-21
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.69.
      - Updated map name in the xml data.
      - Updated tube map images.
      - Updated pod document of District and Jubilee Line regarding map height and width.
      - Updated MANIFEST.SKIP file to exclude maps from the distribution.

0.44  2015-01-20
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.68.
      - Updated section "MAP" in the pod document of all packages Map::Tube::London::Line::*.

0.43  2015-01-20
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.67.
      - Added map image for some of the tube lines.
      - Updated pod documented and linked the map image.
      - Updated link informations for the stations 'East Acton' and 'West Acton'.

0.42  2015-01-20
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.66 to bring better plugin handler.

0.41  2015-01-19
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.65 to bring in the map data validation feature.
      - Updated the link information for the station 'White City'.

0.40  2015-01-18
      - Fixed the code in the pod document about method as_image().

0.39  2015-01-18
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.64 to bring in the graph pluggin support.
      - Added tube name to the xml data.
      - Added new optional attribute 'skip' to the package Map::Tube::London.
      - Fixed the link information for the following stations:
        - Aldgate East
        - Buckhurst Hill
        - Earl's Court
        - High Street Kensington
        - Holborn
        - Kensington (Olympia)
        - Latimer Road
        - Oxford Circus
        - Tottenham Court Road
        - West Brompton
        - White City
        - West Brompton
        - Wood Lane
      - Fixed the line information for the following stations:
        - Paddington
        - Upton Park

0.38  2015-01-15
      - Updated the link for the station 'Westminster'.

0.37  2015-01-15
      - Removed the incorrect link of station 'Harrow-on-the-Hill' to 'Uxbridge'.
      - Fixed the typo in the station name of 'Northwick Park'.
      - Updated the line information of the station 'Rayners Lane'.
      - Updated the line information of the station 'West Ham'.
      - Fixed the typo in the station name of "King's Cross St. Pancras" in the pod document.
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.63.

0.36  2015-01-13
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.62.

0.35  2015-01-07
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.61 as it brings in new fix and feature.
      - Tidied up the test scripts meta-yml.t and meta-json.t.

0.34  2015-01-06
      - Tidied up the MANIFEST.SKIP file.

0.33  2015-01-04
      - Added the missing package Map::Tube::London::Line::District to the 'provides' list.
      - Fixed the typo in the package name Map::Tube::London::Line::Jubilee in the 'provides' list.

0.32  2015-01-04
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.57 as it brings in new fix and feature.
      - Updated Makefile.PL to generate the key 'provides' for META file correctly.
      - Added unit test to test META files.
      - Added LICENSE file.
      - Updated Copyright year information.

0.31  2015-01-03
      - Defined $AUTHORITY in each package of the distribution Map-Tube-London.
      - Added the following files to the MANIFEST.SKIP file
        - '_eumm/META_new.json'
        - '_eumm/META_new.yml'
        - '_eumm/Map-Tube-London.ppd'

0.30  2015-01-01
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.50 to keep it up to date.
      - Updated link information for station 'Barons Court'.
      - Updated link information for station 'Bayswater'.
      - Updated link information for station 'Earl's Court'.
      - Updated line information for station 'Earl's Court'.
      - Updated line information for station 'Gloucester Road'.
      - Updated link information for station 'Paddington'.
      - Updated link information for station 'South Kensington'.
      - Updated line information for station 'South Kensington'.
      - Updated unit test to respect the changes in the map xml data.

0.29  2014-12-31
      - Updated link information for station 'Bank'.
      - Updated link information for station 'Monument'.
      - Updated link information for station 'Shadwell'.
      - Updated link information for station 'Victoria'.
      - Updated unit test to reflect the changes in the xml map data.
      - Updated package Map::Tube::London::Line::Circle w.r.t. station 'Monument'.
      - Updated package Map::Tube::London::Line::District w.r.t. station 'Monument'.

0.28  2014-12-19
      - Added package to list tube stations for Metropolitan lines.
      - Updated pod document for Map::Tube::London about the above changes.

0.27  2014-12-18
      - Added package to list tube stations for Jubilee lines.
      - Updated pod document for Map::Tube::London about the above changes.

0.26  2014-12-18
      - Updated line information for station "Baker Street", "Livepool Street",
      - Some minor tidied up.

0.25  2014-12-17
      - Fixed the link in pod document of the package Map::Tube::London::Line::Bakerloo.

0.24  2014-12-17
      - Added package to list tube stations for Hammersmith & City lines.
      - Updated pod document for Map::Tube::London about the above changes.

0.23  2014-12-16
      - Added section "NOTE" to all line stations package.

0.22  2014-12-16
      - Added package to list tube stations for District lines.
      - Updated pod document for Map::Tube::London about the above changes.

0.21  2014-12-16
      - Added package to list tube stations for Circle lines.
      - Updated pod document for Map::Tube::London about the above changes.

0.20  2014-12-15
      - Fixed the typo in pod document of Map::Tube::London regarding Bakerloo Line.
      - List the common station names in the Map::Tube::London::Line::Bakerloo and

0.19  2014-12-15
      - Added package to list tube stations for Bakerloo and Central lines.
      - Updated pod document for Map::Tube::London about the above changes.

0.18  2014-12-07
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.34 to keep it up to date.

0.17  2014-12-05
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.33 to keep it up to date.

0.16  2014-12-05
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.32 as it brings in new fix and feature.
      - Fixed the test data.
      - Updated unit test to reflect the changes in Map::Tube v2.32.

0.15  2014-12-05
      - Updated the description of method get_shortest_route().

0.14  2014-12-04
      - Updated unit test to make use of new class provided by Map::Tube role.
      - Updated description of method get_shortest_route() in the pod documemt.
      - Corrected the map data (fixed missing links)
      - Fixed broken test because of change in map data.

0.13  2014-11-11
      - Upgraded to use Map::Tube v2.31 as it brings in new fix and feature.
      - Added test script test-case-01.t.
      - Removed SIGNATURE file.

0.12  2014-11-10
      - Added test script test-case-00.t.

0.11  2014-11-07
      - Tidied up the pod document.

0.10  2014-10-23
      - Made the package File::ShareDir::Install pre-requisite in the Makefile.PL file.

0.09  2014-09-20
      - Fixed the typo in the Makefile.PL

0.08  2014-08-30
      - Added key "META_MERGE" key on condition (ExUtils::MakeMake->VERSION(6.46).

0.07  2014-08-16
      - Added section "REPOSITORY" to the pod document.
      - Added key "META_MERGE" to Makefile.PL file.

0.06  2014-08-08
      - Tidied up README file.

0.05  2014-08-03
      - Patch for RT #97672.

0.04  2014-07-08
      - Setting the default value for attribute 'xml' correctly.

0.03  2014-07-07
      - Added missing pre-requisite 'namespace::clean' to Build.PL and Makefile.PL
      - Also updated the pre-requisite version of 'Map::Tube' as 2.22

0.02  2014-07-06
      - Updated Build.PL and Makefile.PL to have correct version of Map::Tube as pre-requisite.
      - Updated Makefile.PL to set the correct License details.

0.01  2014-07-05
      - First version, released.