Revision history for Map::Tube::Madrid

0.13  2018-07-17
      - Added package Map::Tube::Madrid::Line::L1
      - Added map image for Line L1.

0.12  2018-07-14
      - Added source data for line L1.

0.11  2018-07-10
      - Used File::ShareDir v1.114 instead of File::Share.
      - Explicitly added configure prereq File::ShareDir::Install v0.13.

0.10  2018-07-01
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.53.

0.09  2018-06-18
      - Used new_ok() in test script.

0.08  2018-06-10
      - Added test scripts (t/meta-json.t and t/meta-ymlt).

0.07  2018-06-07
      - Added key 'provides' to the Makefile.PL script.

0.06  2018-06-05
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.51.

0.05  2018-05-10
      - Updated dependency on Test::Map::Tube v0.44.

0.04  2018-05-05
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.50.

0.03  2018-04-19
      - Added key 'resources' to the Makefile.PL script.

0.02  2018-04-14
      - Updated dependency on Map::Tube v3.49.

0.01  2018-04-05
      - First version, released from German Perl Workshop 2018.