Revision history for Map::Tube::Plugin::Graph

0.15  2015-02-12T00:05:00+01:00
      - Refactored the plugin code and moved private methods to separate package.

0.14  2015-02-10T12:00:00+01:00
      - Updated method _graph_map_label() to the generate the label for map correctly.

0.13  2015-02-10T11:35:00+01:00
      - Updated method as_image() to generate entire map, if no line name is passed.
      - Fixed the code in the section SYNOPSIS to run smooth on Windows (thanks to Gisbert W. Selke).
      - Added new code to the section SYNOPSIS to reflect the changes to the method as_image().

0.12  2015-02-09T23:00:00+01:00
      - Restructured the plugin as Moo Role, as conceived by Gisbert W. Selke.

0.11  2015-02-01T19:19:00+01:00
      - Made edge outside of the current line connected by dashed line.

0.10  2015-01-29T15:15:00+01:00
      - Added node text color, boundary color and image background color.

0.09  2015-01-24T17:15:00+01:00
      - Bundled pull request from TUPINEK.

0.08  2015-01-23T10:15:00+01:00
      - Patched RT: 101691, although it was raised against Map::Tube.

0.07  2015-01-22T16:25:00+01:00
      - Fixed method _label() throwing error "string ran past end of line".

0.06  2015-01-21T21:15:00+01:00
      - Updated map label as auto generated.

0.05  2015-01-20T10:05:00+01:00
      - Further more pod document tidied up.

0.04  2015-01-20T00:35:00+01:00
      - Minor pod document changes.

0.03  2015-01-19T12:40:00+01:00
      - Fixed the code in the pod document about method as_image().

0.02  2015-01-19T12:00:00+01:00
      - Renamed the test script as-image.t to as_image.t.
      - Updated MANIFEST file to reflect the above changes.
      - Added section "CONSTRUCTOR" and "INSTALLATION" to the pod document.
      - Minor tidied up pod document.

0.01  2015-01-18T14:30:11+01:00
      - Module Created.