# Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006 Hans Jeuken. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # This file was generated from the 'uscript.xml' file of the syntax highlight # engine of the kate text editor (http://www.kate-editor.org #kate xml version 0.91 #kate version 2.3 #generated: Sun Feb 3 22:02:06 2008, localtime package Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::UnrealScript; our $VERSION = '0.11'; use strict; use warnings; use base('Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template'); sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $self->attributes({ 'Char' => 'Char', 'Comment' => 'Comment', 'Data Type' => 'DataType', 'Decimal' => 'DecVal', 'Float' => 'Float', 'Hex' => 'BaseN', 'Keyword' => 'Keyword', 'Normal Text' => 'Normal', 'Octal' => 'BaseN', 'Preprocessor' => 'Others', 'Region Marker' => 'RegionMarker', 'String' => 'String', 'String Char' => 'Char', 'Symbol' => 'Normal', }); $self->listAdd('keywords', 'Cross', 'Dot', 'Static', 'abstract', 'array', 'auto', 'break', 'case', 'coerce', 'config', 'const', 'continue', 'cpptext', 'default', 'defaultproperties', 'do', 'editconst', 'editinline', 'editinlinenew', 'editinlineuse', 'else', 'enum', 'event', 'exec', 'expands', 'export', 'extends', 'false', 'final', 'final', 'for', 'foreach', 'function', 'global', 'hidecategories', 'if', 'ignores', 'instanceof', 'iterator', 'latent', 'local', 'localized', 'native', 'nativereplication', 'new', 'noexport', 'none', 'null', 'operator', 'optional', 'out', 'placeable', 'postoperator', 'preoperator', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'reliable', 'replication', 'return', 'self', 'simulated', 'singular', 'state', 'static', 'struct', 'super', 'switch', 'synchronized', 'throws', 'transient', 'true', 'unreliable', 'var', 'virtual', 'volatile', 'while', ); $self->listAdd('types', 'ELightType', 'Pawn', 'actor', 'ammo', 'bool', 'boolean', 'byte', 'char', 'class', 'color', 'coords', 'double', 'float', 'int', 'ipaddr', 'long', 'material', 'name', 'object', 'package', 'plane', 'rotator', 'short', 'sound', 'staticmesh', 'string', 'vector', 'void', ); $self->contextdata({ 'Commentar 1' => { callback => \&parseCommentar1, attribute => 'Comment', lineending => '#pop', }, 'Commentar 2' => { callback => \&parseCommentar2, attribute => 'Comment', }, 'Normal' => { callback => \&parseNormal, attribute => 'Normal Text', }, 'Preprocessor' => { callback => \&parsePreprocessor, attribute => 'Preprocessor', lineending => '#pop', }, 'String' => { callback => \&parseString, attribute => 'String', lineending => '#pop', }, }); $self->deliminators('\\s||\\.|\\(|\\)|:|\\!|\\+|,|-|<|=|>|\\%|\\&|\\*|\\/|;|\\?|\\[|\\]|\\^|\\{|\\||\\}|\\~|\\\\'); $self->basecontext('Normal'); $self->keywordscase(0); $self->initialize; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } sub language { return 'UnrealScript'; } sub parseCommentar1 { my ($self, $text) = @_; return 0; }; sub parseCommentar2 { my ($self, $text) = @_; # attribute => 'Comment' # char => '*' # char1 => '/' # context => '#pop' # endRegion => 'Comment' # type => 'Detect2Chars' if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '*', '/', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Comment')) { return 1 } return 0; }; sub parseNormal { my ($self, $text) = @_; # String => 'keywords' # attribute => 'Keyword' # context => '#stay' # type => 'keyword' if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'keywords', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Keyword')) { return 1 } # String => 'types' # attribute => 'Data Type' # context => '#stay' # type => 'keyword' if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'types', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Data Type')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'Float' # context => '#stay' # items => 'ARRAY(0x16a9b80)' # type => 'Float' if ($self->testFloat($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Float')) { # String => 'fF' # attribute => 'Float' # context => '#stay' # type => 'AnyChar' if ($self->testAnyChar($text, 'fF', 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Float')) { return 1 } } # attribute => 'Octal' # context => '#stay' # type => 'HlCOct' if ($self->testHlCOct($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Octal')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'Hex' # context => '#stay' # type => 'HlCHex' if ($self->testHlCHex($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Hex')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'Decimal' # context => '#stay' # items => 'ARRAY(0x16fe360)' # type => 'Int' if ($self->testInt($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) { # String => 'ULL' # attribute => 'Decimal' # context => '#stay' # insensitive => 'TRUE' # type => 'StringDetect' if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'ULL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) { return 1 } # String => 'LUL' # attribute => 'Decimal' # context => '#stay' # insensitive => 'TRUE' # type => 'StringDetect' if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LUL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) { return 1 } # String => 'LLU' # attribute => 'Decimal' # context => '#stay' # insensitive => 'TRUE' # type => 'StringDetect' if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LLU', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) { return 1 } # String => 'UL' # attribute => 'Decimal' # context => '#stay' # insensitive => 'TRUE' # type => 'StringDetect' if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'UL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) { return 1 } # String => 'LU' # attribute => 'Decimal' # context => '#stay' # insensitive => 'TRUE' # type => 'StringDetect' if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LU', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) { return 1 } # String => 'LL' # attribute => 'Decimal' # context => '#stay' # insensitive => 'TRUE' # type => 'StringDetect' if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) { return 1 } # String => 'U' # attribute => 'Decimal' # context => '#stay' # insensitive => 'TRUE' # type => 'StringDetect' if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'U', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) { return 1 } # String => 'L' # attribute => 'Decimal' # context => '#stay' # insensitive => 'TRUE' # type => 'StringDetect' if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'L', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) { return 1 } } # attribute => 'Char' # context => '#stay' # type => 'HlCChar' if ($self->testHlCChar($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Char')) { return 1 } # String => '//BEGIN.*$' # attribute => 'Region Marker' # beginRegion => 'Region1' # context => '#stay' # type => 'RegExpr' if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '//BEGIN.*$', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Region Marker')) { return 1 } # String => '//END.*$' # attribute => 'Region Marker' # context => '#stay' # endRegion => 'Region1' # type => 'RegExpr' if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '//END.*$', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Region Marker')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'String' # char => '"' # context => 'String' # type => 'DetectChar' if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'String', 'String')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'String' # char => ''' # context => 'String' # type => 'DetectChar' if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'String', 'String')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'Comment' # char => '/' # char1 => '/' # context => 'Commentar 1' # type => 'Detect2Chars' if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '/', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Commentar 1', 'Comment')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'Comment' # beginRegion => 'Comment' # char => '/' # char1 => '*' # context => 'Commentar 2' # type => 'Detect2Chars' if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '*', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Commentar 2', 'Comment')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'Normal Text' # beginRegion => 'Brace1' # char => '{' # context => '#stay' # type => 'DetectChar' if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '{', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'Normal Text' # char => '}' # context => '#stay' # endRegion => 'Brace1' # type => 'DetectChar' if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '}', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) { return 1 } # String => '!%&()+,-<=>?[]^{|}~' # attribute => 'Symbol' # context => '#stay' # type => 'AnyChar' if ($self->testAnyChar($text, '!%&()+,-<=>?[]^{|}~', 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Symbol')) { return 1 } # String => '#exec' # attribute => 'Preprocessor' # context => 'Preprocessor' # insensitive => 'TRUE' # type => 'RegExpr' if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '#exec', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Preprocessor', 'Preprocessor')) { return 1 } return 0; }; sub parsePreprocessor { my ($self, $text) = @_; # attribute => 'Comment' # char => '/' # char1 => '/' # context => 'Commentar 1' # type => 'Detect2Chars' if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '/', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Commentar 1', 'Comment')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'Comment' # char => '/' # char1 => '*' # context => 'Commentar 2' # type => 'Detect2Chars' if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '*', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Commentar 2', 'Comment')) { return 1 } return 0; }; sub parseString { my ($self, $text) = @_; # attribute => 'String' # context => '#stay' # type => 'LineContinue' if ($self->testLineContinue($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'String')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'String Char' # context => '#stay' # type => 'HlCStringChar' if ($self->testHlCStringChar($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'String Char')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'String' # char => '"' # context => '#pop' # type => 'DetectChar' if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'String')) { return 1 } # attribute => 'String' # char => ''' # context => '#pop' # type => 'DetectChar' if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'String')) { return 1 } return 0; }; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::UnrealScript - a Plugin for UnrealScript syntax highlighting =head1 SYNOPSIS require Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::UnrealScript; my $sh = new Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::UnrealScript([ ]); =head1 DESCRIPTION Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::UnrealScript is a plugin module that provides syntax highlighting for UnrealScript to the Syntax::Haghlight::Engine::Kate highlighting engine. This code is generated from the syntax definition files used by the Kate project. It works quite fine, but can use refinement and optimization. It inherits Syntax::Higlight::Engine::Kate::Template. See also there. =head1 AUTHOR Hans Jeuken (haje <at> toneel <dot> demon <dot> nl) =head1 BUGS Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author