Revision history for XML::XPath

1.27  2016-01-30 MANWAR
      - Fixed issue RT# 32012 (Debian bug #187583,

1.26  2016-01-25 MANWAR
      - Fixed inconsistent version issue (CPANTS).
      - Added key 'provides' to the Makefile.PL script.
      - Added unit test scripts t/meta-json.t and t/meta-yml.t

1.25  2016-01-20 MANWAR
      - Merged in GitHub PR #2, thanks to sdeseille.
      - Merged t/45overloading_number_operator.t and t/99rt_11724.t into t/45cmp_nodeset.t

1.24  2016-01-19 MANWAR
      - Fixed issue RT# 111278 (XML::XPath::PerlSAX doesn't compile).

1.23  2016-01-18 MANWAR
      - Fixed issue RT# 6363 (using < in a query returns results as if <= had been used).

1.22  2016-01-13 MANWAR
      - Fixed issues RT# 30818 and RT# 80277.

1.21  2016-01-12 MANWAR
      - Fixed issues RT# 14957 and RT# 30819.

1.20  2016-01-10 MANWAR
      - Fixed issues RT# 26143 and RT# 68703.

1.19  2016-01-05 MANWAR
      - Fixed issues RT# 14248 and RT# 23924.

1.18  2016-01-04 MANWAR
      - Fixed issues RT# 6362 and RT# 32233.

1.17  2016-01-01 MANWAR
      - Fixed issues RT# 3666, RT# 30813 and RT# 90850.

1.16  2015-12-28 MANWAR
      - Fixed issues RT# 87781, RT# 54389 and RT# 73982.

1.15  2015-12-27 MANWAR
      - Added Changes file to the MANIFEST file.
      - Added LICENSE file.
      - Added MANIFEST.SKIP file.
      - Tidied up pod document of the package XML::XPath.

1.14  2015-12-26 MANWAR
      - Added Changes file.
      - Enabled 'warnings' check.
      - Moved packages to lib/ folder.
      - Added key 'resources' to the Makefile.PL script.