Mon May 08 2000 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o CPAN Release 2.48a

 o Added (empty) DESTROY method to Parallel::UserAgent::Entry in 
   order to please perl5.6
Wed Apr 19 2000 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o CPAN Release 2.48

 o Updated changes in libwww-5.48 (since 5.43) 1.66 -> 1.73   1.15 -> 1.17  1.33 -> 1.36      1.46 -> 1.49       1.25 -> 1.27
Sun Jul 18 1999 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o CPAN Release 2.43 

 o Fixed FTP mode and finally unblocked ftp-scheme again :-)

 o Checked against libwww-5.43
Thu Apr 15 1999 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o CPAN Release 2.41

 o Updated changes in libwww-5.42: 1.64 -> 1.66   1.14 -> 1.15  1.31 -> 1.33      1.44 -> 1.46

 o Fixed $ua->max_size bug in Parallel/
Tue Jan 12 1999 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o CPAN Release 2.40

 o Updated changes in libwww-5.41: 1.62 -> 1.64   1.13 -> 1.14      1.43 -> 1.44       1.24 -> 1.25

 o Fixed '$1' bug in Parallel/Protocol/	
Tue Nov 24 1998 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o CPAN Release 2.39

 o Added incompatibility warning for libwww > supported ones 
   (currently up to 5.36)
 o Added cookie jar to redirects (fix by Andrey Chernov <>)
Tue Nov 17 1998 Marc Langheinrich  <>

 o Fixed problem with otherwise successful requests that took a
   long time to have their handles closed. These would be set to "408
   timeout" although all the data was already transmitted. Now the
   existing status is preserved and the string (timeout) appended

 o Added more timeout.t tests to make sure the above scheme works.

Tue Nov 10 1998 Marc Langheinrich  <>

 o CPAN Release 2.38

 o Split parallel.t into three separate testfiles: compatibility.t,
   parallel.t and timeouts.t
 o Fixed timeout handling in Parallel::UserAgent.
 o Added Timeout tests to parallel.t testscript (this included 
   using a forking HTTP::Daemon instead of our serial one, since
   otherwise the timeout simulations would break the server).	
 o Fixed die's when calling ->previous methods in parallel.t
Tue Sep 29 1998 Marc Langheinrich  <>

 o Fixed testcript parallel.t for broken redirection on ppc-linux. 
Tue Sep 22 1998 Marc Langheinrich  <>

 o CPAN Release 2.37

 o Fixed bug in Parallel::UserAgent where timeout would fail to create
   HTTP::Response object.

 o Added some simple examples to LWP::Parallel manpage.
Mon Sep 7 1998 Marc Langheinrich  <>

 o CPAN Release 2.36

 o Fixed bogus version information in LWP::Parallel and Bundle::
   ParallelUA.(forgot to update $VERSION variable accordingly)

 o Fixed missing SYNOPSIS element in and

 o Blocked ftp-scheme handling since it wasn't working at all. Thanks
   to Gary Foster for actually being the first person to try using 
   Paralle::UserAgent with ftp requests. This will hopefully be fixed 
   in the next release.	

Tue Sep 1 1998 Marc Langheinrich  <>

 o CPAN Release 2.35 
 o updated changes in libwww-5.46 (,v 1.43). Fixed
   problems with "die"s during operation (now caught by

 o updated changes in libwww-5.46 (,v 1.24)

 o Fixed "eval{}" calls to objects. Updated
   changes in libwww-5.46 (,v 1.62)
 o Checked against libwww-5.36

Thu Jul 9 1998 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o CPAN Release 2.34

 o Fixed wrong package name in LWP::Parallel::Protocol::ftp
 o Fixed typo in Parallel::UserAgent
 o Updated libwww-5.34 changes (one in,v 1.23)
 o Checked against libwww-5.34	

Wed Jun 10 1998 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o Developers Release 2.33a

 o Fixed "die"s in Parallel/Protocol/ to return
   HTTP::Response instead.

 o Adjusted Parallel/ to handle errors.

 o Checked against libwww-5.33
Mon Apr 27 1998 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o CPAN Release 2.32
 o Updated libwww-5.31 bugfixes (one in,v 1.60)

 o Checked against libwww-5.31 and 5.32	
Fri Mar 27 1998 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o First official CPAN release, version 2.31

 o Updated libwww5.22 bugfixes (one in,v 1.59)

 o Checked against libwww-5.22.
Fri Mar 13 1998 Marc Langheinrich <>

 o Developer Release 2.3c (pre-release of 2.31)

 o Fixed installation bug in Makefile.PL (LWP uses ->Version method
   for version checking).
 o Updated libwww5.21 bugfixes (two in,v 1.41).

 o Checked against libwww-5.21.

Wed Mar 11 1998 Marc Langheinrich <>	
 o Developer Release 2.3b

 o Added $ua->discard_entry($entry) method. This can be used in 
   callbacks to discard the entire entry thus freeing up memory.

 o Makefile.PL will check for correct version of LWP.	

 o Fixed some installation glitches.

Fri Mar 6 1998	Marc Langheinrich <>

 o Developer Release 2.3a

 o Moved all modules into the LWP::Parallel subdirectory.
 o LWP::ParallelUA and LWP::RobotPUA only stubs for 'real' modules
   underneath LWP::Parallel tree (LWP::Parallel::UserAgent and

 o Parallel::UserAgent, Parallel::RobotUA and Parallel::Protocol now
   inherent most of their code from the corresponding LWP modules.

 o Added some documentation in Parallel::UserAgent.

 o Added Makefile.PL support (should compile & install now out of
   the box using the standard sequence "perl Makefile.PL; make;
   make test; make install").

 o Supplied test script (in t/parallel.t)
 o Checked against libwww-5.20

Mon Mar 2 1998	Marc Langheinrich <>

 o Created standard perl module package format.