Revision history for Perl extension Term::Completion.

1.00 Mon Feb 24 2013
Wow - 4 years of silence... sorry for that...

Slight change in the API: the "validate" callback is now supposed to return
undef (the undefined value) in case the validation failed; this was required 
to allow "false" values (in the sense of Perl, like 0, '') as correct
return values (defined) of the validation callback.

A couple of minor bug fixes and improvements, tested with on a bunch of
platforms, in an attempt to increase portability:
- Windows / ActivePerl
- Windows / Cygwin
- Windows / SUA
- Linux
- Solaris

Fixed a few POD errors and added POD for T:C:Multi and :Path.

CPAN #83424: Bug in Term::Completion
- fixed deprecated goto (with Perl 5.12 and higher)

CPAN #77772: [wish] on-demand alternative to (automatic) help
- implemented propsal, thanks for the patch!

CPAN #77697: Warning 'Use of uninitialized value' when scrolling if input
             text is not matched
- applied patch, thanks a lot!

0.91  Fri Feb 27 15:37:32 CET 2009
        - first release to CPAN with already good test coverage:
---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
File                           stmt   bran   cond    sub    pod   time  total
---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
blib/lib/Term/    99.6   96.3   77.8  100.0  100.0   97.2   97.1
.../Term/Completion/   93.8   80.0    n/a   90.0  100.0    0.1   91.8
...b/Term/Completion/   87.5   50.0    n/a   87.5  100.0    0.2   84.6
...Term/Completion/   96.1   50.0   33.3   83.3  100.0    0.1   89.6
...rm/Completion/  100.0   66.7   44.4  100.0   75.0    0.2   82.6
.../Term/Completion/   80.8   41.7   33.3   83.3  100.0    2.3   70.0
...m/Completion/   88.9   50.0    n/a  100.0  100.0    0.0   77.8
Total                          96.7   87.1   66.7   92.6   96.2  100.0   92.2
---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

0.90  Wed Aug 13 08:22:17 2008
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		--omit-XS --name Term::Completion --use-new-tests --skip-autoloader --version 0.90