Revision history for Perl module MCE::Shared.
1.806 Tue Nov 01 16:00:00 EST 2016
* Added a new section titled LOCKING to the MCE::Shared documentation.
* Tweaked shared-manager-loop delay -- applies to MSWin32 only.
1.805 Fri Sep 23 01:00:00 EST 2016
* Fixed close method in shared-handle to work with Perl5i.
Support for Perl5i is on Unix only. Do not use threads.
* Bumped MCE dependency to 1.805.
1.804 Thu Sep 01 16:00:00 EST 2016
* Fixed bug in MCE::Shared::Queue. Thank you, Mary Ehlers.
* Improved support for running MCE::Hobo with Tk. Added Tk demonstrations
to MCE::Examples (1.805). Thank you, Götz Meyer.
1.803 Sun Jul 10 23:30:00 EST 2016
* Modified MCE::Shared::{ Base, Minidb } to pass testing with Sereal.
* Re-enabled Sereal 3.008+ for Perl < v5.12.0, if available.
* Optimized dequeue methods in MCE::Shared::Server.
1.802 Mon Jul 04 03:30:00 EST 2016
* Default to Storable for serialization in Perl less than v5.12.0.
Sereal 3.008+, if available, is loaded automatically in Perl v5.12+.
1.801 Sun Jul 03 00:30:00 EST 2016
* Fixed bug with MCE::Hobo for the Solaris platform.
* Fixed race condition in Condvar->broadcast, ->signal, ->wait.
* Fixed race condition in Queue->await.
* MCE::Shared 1.801 is stable on all supported platforms.
Bumped version to match MCE version.
* Completed work supporting cyclical include of MCE Hobo.
* Updated MCE::Shared to support Perl included with Git Bash.
1.102 Mon Jun 20 08:00:00 EST 2016
* Updated logic for obtaining caller in several MCE::Hobo methods.
This was missed in the 1.101 release.
1.101 Mon Jun 20 01:00:00 EST 2016
* Reverted a small change in Shared/ introduced in 1.100.
1.100 Sat Jun 18 16:30:00 EST 2016
* Use Sereal 3.008+ automatically if available on the box.
* Added support for cyclical include of MCE Hobo by scoping the
configuration to the local package.
1.008 Wed May 25 22:00:00 EST 2016
* Applied correction in META.json.
* Bumped MCE dependency to 1.707.
1.007 Wed May 25 16:00:00 EST 2016
* Added chunk IO capability to READ in MCE::Shared::Handle. Both non-shared
and shared handles are supported. See documentation for demonstrations.
* Added assign to MCE::Shared::{ Array, Hash, and Ordhash }. Ditto, added
hassign and lassign to MCE::Shared::{ Minidb }. Assign is inspired by
Tie::Hash::Indexed v0.05_02. Thank you, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
* Added META.json to the distribution.
* Close shared file-handles when stopping the shared-manager process.
* Improved exporting for shared MCE::Shared::{ Array, Hash, and Ordhash }.
* Now loads PDL::IO::Storable automatically when PDL is present. PDL must
come before MCE::Shared. Otherwise, load PDL::IO::Storable manually.
* Specifying Sereal for serialization falls back to Storable when PDL is
present. A warning is emitted indicating Sereal is not used.
* Removed iterator and rewind functionality from MCE::Shared::Minidb.
This was done to streamline Minidb and MCE/Shared/
1.006 Fri Apr 29 21:30:00 EST 2016
* Enabled deeply sharing by default when constructing a shared array
or hash. Thank you, Frank Wang.
* Localized the output record separator in error and trap routines.
* Optimized READ in MCE::Shared::Server.
1.005 Fri Apr 22 21:30:00 EST 2016
* Time::HiRes sleep resolution is 15 milliseconds on Windows and Cygwin.
Adjusted timeout values accordingly. Thank you, Daniel Dragan.
1.004 Fri Apr 15 00:30:00 EST 2016
* Bumped version for MCE to 1.705. Thank you, smoke testers.
1.003 Thu Apr 14 10:00:00 EST 2016
* Bumped version for Test::More to 0.88. Thank you, Paul Howarth.
1.002 Thu Apr 14 05:00:00 EST 2016
* Reached *stable* on all major platforms for MCE::Shared 1.0x.
* MCE::Shared exports mce_open for more native feel to making a shared
file handle.
* Improved search functionality in MCE::Shared::{ Array, Hash, Ordhash }
and MCE::Shared::Minidb. Thank you, Demian Riccardi.
* Enabled freeze callbacks for Sereal.
* Switched bug tracking to Github.
* Tweaked test scripts.
1.001 Sat Mar 19 23:00:00 EST 2016
* Completed IPC optimizations for 1.0.
1.000 Tue Mar 15 22:00:00 EST 2016
* First release.