=head1 NAME

Log::Report::Translator - base implementation for translating messages


 # internal infrastructure
 my $msg = Log::Report::Message->new(_msgid => "Hello World\n");
 print Log::Report::Translator->new(...)->translate($msg);

 # normal use
 use Log::Report 'my-domain';
 print __"Hello World\n";


A module (or distribution) has a certain way of translating messages,
usually C<gettext>.  The translator is based on the C<textdomain>
for the message, which can be specified as option per text element,
but usually is package scoped.

This base class does not translate at all: it will use the MSGID
(and MSGID_PLURAL if available).  It's a nice fallback if the
language packs are not installed.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Constructors


=over 4

 Option --Default
 charset  <from locale>
 lexicon  <see text>

. charset => STRING

=over 4

When the locale contains a codeset in its name, then that will be
used.  Otherwise, the default is C<utf-8>.



=over 4

The DIRECTORY where the translations can be found.  See
L<Log::Report::Lexicon::Index|Log::Report::Lexicon::Index> for the expected structure of such

The default is based on the location of the module which instantiates
this translator.  The filename of the module is stripped from its C<.pm>
extension, and used as directory name.  Within that directory, there
must be a directory named C<messages>, which will be the root directory
of a L<Log::Report::Lexicon::Index|Log::Report::Lexicon::Index>.


I<Example:> default lexicon directory

 # file xxx/perl5.8.8/My/Module.pm
 use Log::Report 'my-domain',
     translator => Log::Report::Translator::POT->new;

 # lexicon now in xxx/perl5.8.8/My/Module/messages/


=head2 Accessors


=over 4

Returns the default charset, which can be overrule by the locale.



=over 4

Returns a list of L<Log::Report::Lexicon::Index|Log::Report::Lexicon::Index> objects, where the
translation files may be located.


=head2 Translating

$obj-E<gt>B<load>(DOMAIN, LOCALE)

=over 4

Load the translation information in the text DOMAIN for the indicated LOCALE.
Multiple calls to L<load()|Log::Report::Translator/"Translating"> should not cost significant performance: the
data must be cached.



=over 4

Returns the translation of the MESSAGE, a C<Log::Report::Message> object,
based on the current locale.

Translators are permitted to peek into the internal HASH of the
message object, for performance reasons.


=head1 SEE ALSO

This module is part of Log-Report distribution version 0.01,
built on May 25, 2007. Website: F<http://perl.overmeer.net/logreport/>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyrights 2007 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>