=head1 NAME

Log::Report::Lexicon::PO - one translation definition



This module is administering one translation object.  Sets of PO
objects are kept in a POT file, implemented in L<Log::Report::Lexicon::POT|Log::Report::Lexicon::POT>.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Constructors


=over 4

 Option      --Default
 automatic     ""
 comment       []
 format        []
 fuzzy         false
 msgid         <required>
 msgid_plural  undef
 msgstr        "" or []
 references    []

. automatic => PARAGRAPH

=over 4

Automaticly added comments.
See L<addAutomatic()|Log::Report::Lexicon::PO/"Attributes">.


. comment => PARAGRAPH

=over 4

Translator added comments.
See L<addComment()|Log::Report::Lexicon::PO/"Attributes">.



=over 4

See L<format()|Log::Report::Lexicon::PO/"Attributes">.


. fuzzy => BOOLEAN

=over 4

The string is not yet translated, some smart guesses may have been made.
See L<fuzzy()|Log::Report::Lexicon::PO/"Attributes">.


. msgid => STRING

. msgid_plural => STRING


=over 4

The translations for the msgid.  When msgid_plural is defined, then an
ARRAY must be provided.



=over 4

The STRING is a blank separated list of LOCATIONS.
LOCATIONs are of the  form C<filename:linenumber>, for
instance C<lib/Foo.pm:42>
See L<addReferences()|Log::Report::Lexicon::PO/"Attributes">



=head2 Attributes


=over 4

Add multiple lines to the translator's comment block.  Returns an
empty string if there are no comments.



=over 4

Add multiple lines to the translator's comment block.  Returns an
empty string if there are no comments.



=over 4

Parse a "flags" line.



=over 4

The STRING is a blank separated list of LOCATIONS.  The LIST and
ARRAY contain separate LOCATIONs.  A LOCATION is of the form
C<filename:linenumber>.  Returns the internal HASH with references.



=over 4

Returns a STRING which contains the cleaned paragraph of automatically
added comments.  If an argument is specified, it will replace the current



=over 4

Returns a STRING which contains the cleaned paragraph of translator's
comment.  If an argument is specified, it will replace the current



=over 4

When one LANGUAGE is specified, it looks whether a C<LANGUAGE-format> or
C<no-LANGUAGE-format> is present in the line of FLAGS.  This will return
C<1> (true) in the first case, C<0> (false) in the second case.  It will
return C<undef> (also false) in case that both are not present.

You can also specify PAIRS: the key is a language name, and the
value is either C<0>, C<1>, or C<undef>.

example: use of format()

 if($po->format('c')) ...
 unless($po->format('perl-brace')) ...
 if(defined $po->format('java')) ...

 $po->format(java => 1);       # results in 'java-format'
 $po->format(java => 0);       # results in 'no-java-format'
 $po->format(java => undef);   # results in ''



=over 4

Returns whether the translation needs human inspection.



=over 4

Returns whether the translation has any references, or is the header.



=over 4

Returns the actual msgid, which cannot be C<undef>.


$obj-E<gt>B<msgstr>([INDEX, [STRING]])

=over 4

With a STRING, a new translation will be set.  Without STRING, a
lookup will take place.  When no plural is defined, use INDEX 0



=over 4

Returns the actual msgid_plural, which can be C<undef>.



=over 4

Returns an unsorted list of LOCATIONS.  When options are specified,
then those will be used to replace all currently defined references.
Returns the unsorted LIST of references.



=over 4

Remove all the references to the indicate FILENAME from the list.  Returns
the number of refs left.


=head2 Parsing

Log::Report::Lexicon::PO-E<gt>B<fromText>(STRING, [WHERE])

=over 4

Parse the STRING into a new PO object.  The WHERE string should explain
the location of the STRING, to be used in error messages.



=over 4

Format the object into a multi-lined string.

 Option    --Default
 nr_plurals  undef

. nr_plurals => INTEGER

=over 4

If the number of plurals is specified, then the plural translation
list can be checked for the correct length.  Otherwise, no smart
behavior is attempted.




=over 4

The message-id has no references anymore and no translations.


=head1 SEE ALSO

This module is part of Log-Report distribution version 0.28,
built on May 31, 2010. Website: F<http://perl.overmeer.net/log-report/>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyrights 2007-2010 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>