#### test run untainted!  Otherwise we will not find a relative
#### mutt_dotlock program.
# Test the locking methods.

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib qw(. .. tests);
use Tools;

use Test::More;

use Mail::Box::Mbox;
use Mail::Box::Locker::Mutt;

  eval qq{use POSIX 'sys_wait_h';
          close STDERR;
          system('mutt_dotlock', '-u', '$0');
          die "OK!" if WIFEXITED(\$?);

  if($@ =~ m/OK!/)
  {    plan tests => 7;
  {    plan skip_all => "mutt_dotlock cannot be used";
       exit 0;

my $foldername = $0;

my $fakefolder = bless {MB_foldername=> $foldername}, 'Mail::Box::Mbox';
my $lockfile = "$foldername.lock";
unlink $lockfile;

my $locker = Mail::Box::Locker->new
 ( method  => 'MUTT'
 , timeout => 1
 , wait    => 1
 , folder  => $fakefolder

is($locker->name, 'MUTT', 'locker name');

ok($locker->lock,    'can lock');
ok(-f $lockfile,     'lockfile found');
ok($locker->hasLock, 'locked status');

# Already got lock, so should return immediately.
my $warn = '';
{  $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$warn = "@_"};
ok($warn =~ m/already mutt-locked/, 'second attempt');

ok(! $locker->hasLock, 'released lock');