#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# Test formatting as plain text with Text::Autoformat

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib qw(. .. tests);
use Tools;

use Test::More;

use Mail::Message;

    eval 'require Text::Autoformat';
    {   plan skip_all => "requires Text::Autoformat.";
        exit 0;

    require Mail::Message::Convert::TextAutoformat;
    require Text::Autoformat;

    plan tests => 3;

my $content = <<'TEXT';
This is some raw text to form the body of the
message which has to be printed.  I hope it is nice.
> some badly formatted
>    input lines
>  are also in here, to test whether autoformat works.... This line is for instance much too long and should be spread over multiple lines.

my $body = Mail::Message::Body->new
 ( type  => 'text/html'
 , data  => $content

my $af = Mail::Message::Convert::TextAutoformat
  ->new( options => {break => break_wrap} );

my $dump = $af->autoformatBody($body);
ok(defined $dump);

is("$dump", <<'DUMP');
This is some raw text to form the body of the message which has to be
printed. I hope it is nice.
> some badly formatted input lines are also in here, to test whether
> autoformat works.... This line is for instance much too long and
> should be spread over multiple lines.