Revision history for Perl extension Math::Polygon
version 0.99:
version 0.98: Tue Apr 3 09:38:57 CEST 2007
- missing export of polygon_is_closed [Christian Sauer]
version 0.97: Thu Mar 29 08:48:14 CEST 2007
- fix prototype of polygon_rotate, to fix method rotate()
[Christian Sauer]
version 0.96: Fri Mar 9 14:19:41 CET 2007
- refer to webpage
- email address
- removed stuff to create own manual-pages.
- all error messages should start with lower-case
version 0.95: Mon Feb 26 11:23:44 CET 2007
- polygon_contains_point() only work if poly is closed: croak
otherwise. [Dennis Hartigan-O'Connor]
- polygon_is_clockwise() will also croak when the poly is not
- new polygon_is_closed() and $poly->isClosed.
- use oodist to generate manuals, not own scripts.
- bumped version number to indicate that the module interface
is stable: no major changes expected before 1.00
version 0.004: Fri Jul 21 10:17:44 CEST 2006
- simplify() could get in an endless loop.
- doc updates to fit into Geo::Point doc-set.
- ring detection failed in Calc::polygon_start_minxy(), reported
by [mtworek]
version 0.003: Fri Dec 3 13:20:37 CET 2004
- simplify will average close points. Before, points could get
removed one after the other, until points over a long distance
were stripped. That will not happen anymore.
- polygon_start_minxy/Math::Polygon::startMinXY now returns the
point most close to (xmin,ymin) of the bounding box first. Was
the point with the smallest x.
- new method Math::Polygon::contains(point) and function
Math::Polygon::Calc::polygon_contains_point(point, @poly)
with tests in t/14contains.t
version 0.002: Fri Nov 12 16:05:18 CET 2004
- Created Math::Polygon::Transform, and added loads of test for it
- Math::Polygon added interface to transform routines
version 0.001: Wed Sep 1 17:45:51 CEST 2004
- Initial version