v1.14 2000/10/24
* Removed some `local @_' warnings.
* Moved to PPresenter.org domain.

v1.13  2000/7/4  (one year's celebration)
* Added XML handling, by Johan Vromans <jvromans@squirrel.nl>
* Command present installed from subdir ppr.  Demo's for using PPresenter
  as library moved to ppr/demo.
* Command present-xml installed from subdir xml.  Demo's for XML implementation
  based on the PPresenter library are located in xml/demo.
* Removed demo directory, because the demo's are split based on their type.
* Added some images in PPresenter/images.
* Manual-pages for present, present-ppr, present-xml, but they need more

* Fixed use of tkPhoto images instead when Image::Magick is not installed.

* Excellent logo by Phil Regnauld <regnauld@ftf.net>
* Renamed Presenter::TRACE into the correct PPresenter::TRACE.
* Added -exportPhases (Dynamic)
* Added -callbacks (Slide)
* Added -enableCallbacks (show->new)
* Redesigned the way that slides can be exported on the lower level.
  Interfaces to website creation and image-production changed only
  very little.
* Changed Export::Website into Export::Website::HTML to give some namespace
  to new formats, such as XML.
* Change interface to some of the functions in Export::Website::HTML such that
  more than one phase of the same slide can be included in website.
* Changed Export::IM_Images into Export::Images::ImageMagick.
* Fixed slide-exports to images.

Thanks to Johan Vromans <jvromans@squirrel.nl>:
* PPresenter/Dynamic/Default.pm: Strict vertical moves (to/from s and
  to/from n) did not work.
* PPresenter/Formatter/Markup_parser.pm: Logical markups are not
  matched case-insensitive.
* PPresenter/Formatter/Markup_parser.pm: Allow attribute values to be
  placed between single quotes as well as double quotes.
* Miscelleneous fixes for Perl 5.6 (5.5.670beta)
  Mostly eliminate warnings for 'use constant defaults' and defined
  (@array) tests.

Other changes:
* Changes all functions getXyzAbc() into xyzAbc() to improve abstraction.
  Bad idea about `get' in names was taken from Java, but only troubles
  the readability.
* Implemented complex decoration, including page footers.
* changed implementation of templates to work with new decoration
* Renamed doc to doc_html
* Created bin/present which can start *.ppr and *.xml files.
* Created doc_pod/present.pod for present.1
* Place-holders for PPresenter::Import::XML and PPresenter::Import::MagicPoint,
  which will implement translations between those two formats and PPresenter.
* Resizing images with Image::Magick does not work properly on the
  border of transparent and normal pixels.  Also, conversion from an
  Image::Magick pixels to a tkPhoto does not work properly.  Created a
  work-around to create nicer results.
* Added Markup tags FOOTER (markup for footer-texts), N (switch to normal
  font), and PROP (select proportional font).
* Added callbacks for slides, which are code-hooks into the display process
  of a slide.

Thanks to Slaven Rezic:
* Removed dependency from Time::Hires because Tk defines (but does document)
  a timeofday(), with the same functionality.
* PPresenter/Image/tkPhoto.pm line 88: splice 5 i.s.o 6 fixed again :((
* PPresenter/Image.pm: sameSource works for non-UNIX too (now).
* Runs on M$Win32!

Other changes:
* Added start of a faq in doc/faq/*
* Added link to options.html (general option index) in doc/manual.html
* Added demo/simple
* Added doc/example.html

* PPresenter/Images.pm line 176 findImage() fixed.
* PPresenter/Images.pm line 128 create image accepts image name when
  this is an already defined image.
* PPresenter/Viewport/TagControl.pm and PPresenter/Viewport/SlideControl.pm
  added scrollbars when the menu get too large.
* PPresenter/Export/HTML.pm replace by PPresenter/Export/Website.pm.
* PPresenter/Export/Website.pm created, which creates a website.  Some other
  modules are extended to make this prossible.
* PPresenter/Export/IM_Images.pm improved.
* doc/export/website.html added.
* doc/export/im_images.html added.
* doc/export/index.html extended with option doc.

v0.96  1999/10/31
* PPresenter/Show.pm called 'after()' on non-window object.
  did work for perl 5.005_02, not for perl 5.005_3.
* PPresenter/Image/tkPhoto.pm line 88: splice 5 i.s.o 6

v0.95  1999/10/28
* GNU-style changelogs started (with more details, I promise)
* Added copyright-statements where needed for FSF.
* Tutorial for beginners: doc/tutorial/beginners*.
* Tutorial about difference HTML-Markup: doc/tutorial/html2markup/*.
* Folded PPresenter/Template/Default/* inside PPresenter/Template/Default.pm
* PPresenter/StyleElem.pm INCLUDES do not load modules when already known.

v0.94  1999/09/26
* Few fixes.
* Shows phases to go for a slide.
* Exporting slides to images works (requires ImageMagick).

v0.93 1999/09/08
* Few fixes.
* Introduction of special characters in markup-language.
* Initial code to dump slides to postscript, images and HTML.

v0.92 1999/08/12
* Implemented (and documented) scaling of images
* optional use of Image::Magick

v0.91 1999/08/02
* Documented all the features.
* fixed some things.
* Closing in to version 1

v0.28 1999/07/28
* Full rewrite to allow multiple screens in one show.

v0.21 1999/07/04
* The first public version is available.