=== version history of XML::Compile::Dumper
All changes made by Mark Overmeer, unless explicitly noted differently.
version 0.13: Fri Mar 26 11:14:56 CET 2010
- name of test file in MANIFEST
version 0.12: Fri Mar 26 10:14:04 CET 2010
- do not use /bin/pwd in t/99pod.t
- add "use Log::Report" to the output [Robin V.]
version 0.11: Mon Nov 24 13:47:18 CET 2008
- requires XML::Compile::Tester
- correct abstract
version 0.10: Sun Dec 23 10:39:04 CET 2007
- split-off from XML::Compile, to
+ reduce the number of dependencies for XML::Compile
+ to give Yves some time to adapt Data::Dump::Streamer to