=== version history of XML::Compile::SOAP
- fix test t/30charset.t
- use XML::Compile::Cache
version 0.76: Fri Aug 1 13:18:21 CEST 2008
- Correcting fault handling. Code and tests(!) contributed
by [Jamie Lentin]
- Requires XML::Compile 0.91, just because it is much better.
version 0.75: Mon Jul 21 09:17:10 CEST 2008
- Requires XML::Compile 0.90. Cpantesters [Martin Kutter]
version 0.74: Fri Jul 18 22:01:24 CEST 2008
- Reading SOAP failed, because improved strictness of XML::Compile
[Jason Tang]
- require XML::Compile 0.87, which renames option output_namespaces
into prefixes.
- rename encoder option namespaces into prefixes. Old name still
version 0.73: Tue Apr 29 18:59:42 CEST 2008
- require Log::Report 0.17, to fulfil promisses of the doc (was 0.11)
- require XML::Compile::Tester
- require XML::Compile 0.78 -> 0.81
- example how to use WS-Security, contributed by [Alan Wind]
- refer to mailinglist and IRC, set-up by [Matt S Trout]
- Test scripts converted to use XML::Compile::Tester. Cleaned-out
version 0.72: Wed Apr 16 13:03:26 CEST 2008
- WSDL schemata passed to new() got parsed twice.
- schema sources were offered for compilation twice, but ignored
the last time.
- schema mix-up with more than one WSDL object. [Kaare Rasmussen]
- WSDL11->compileClient did not pass parameters to ::Schema::compile()
as was documented [Allan Wind]
- requires XML::Compile 0.73 -> 0.78
- new option WSDL11(schemas).
- only complain about limitation to SOAPHTTP protocol if no
explicit transporter was defined. [Daniel Ruoso]
version 0.71: Sat Apr 12 09:58:05 CEST 2008
- Support XML which uses a non-utf8 encoding. Patch by [Gert Doering]
The related test needs to be updated (print cannot handle byte-
- Client does not add Content-Length field. Patch [Drew Taylor]
- headers were missing, since XML::Compile "reader in list-context"
fix. Reported by [Gert Doering]
version 0.70: Wed Apr 9 15:09:43 CEST 2008
- Math::BigInt with GMP caused t/14dec11.t to fail
[CPANTesters, Slaven Rezic]
version 0.69: Tue Apr 8 23:48:31 CEST 2008
- Trace returned on error was not transformed into an object, and
resulted in unwanted undefs.
- ::Trace->printTimings() did not handle undefs well.
- Document that SOAPHTTP::compileClient(action) is optional, not
- ::SOAPHTTP will use LWP::UserAgent with Keep-Alive on.
- require XML::Compile 0.69 -> 0.73
- ::WSDL11::Operation canTransport() implementation was broken,
and therefore needed a change of behavior. Probably invisible
for end-users.
- Automatic reuse of transport connections for all WSDL operations
with the same endpoint(s).
- New method ::SOAP::messageStructure()
- New facility method ::SOAP::importDefinitions()
- Added ::Util::MSEXT constant (MicroSoft Extension Framework)
- Make XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon work by extending ::SOAP::Server
and ::SOAP11::Server implementations. Implementation completed.
- Added TODO file.
version 0.68: Fri Mar 14 17:56:37 CET 2008
- sender/receiver compile options where not passed to
- use of ::Transport::SOAPHTTP was not correctly described
in its SYNOPSIS [Marc Sebastian Pelzer]
- SOAP.pm did not use hires-timings
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace added for simplified debugging.
This also simplifies example/namesservice/has_wsdl.pl
version 0.67: Fri Feb 8 09:16:15 CET 2008
- WSDL types were compiled twice.
- problems with specifying your own transporter when creating SOAP
calls based on a WSDL.
- upgrade requirement XML::Compile to 0.68
- ::Encoding::dec() [decode RPC] tries harder.
with help of [Philippe B.]
- Pass information about location of type definitions to
XML::Compile, for debugging and tracing.
- ::Encoding::array new option array_type
version 0.66: Thu Jan 31 09:30:18 CET 2008
- the SOAP message is a document, not an element. This way,
we get the right output encoding for free. Problem spotted
by [Gert Doering]
- more encoding/decoding character-set issues. Test script
in t/30charset.t
- details about client-side soap moved from ::SOAP into
- ::SOAP::compileClient() moved to ::SOAP::Client::
- example for $wsdl->compileClient() by [Allen Wind]
- updated the docs, wrt non-existing SOAP1.2 support, triggered
by [Allen Wind]
- initial implementation of XML::Compile::SOAP::Server
- return multiple elements in RPC-encoded constructor.
Needed by [Philippe B.]
version 0.65: Mon Jan 7 11:58:52 CET 2008
- do not fail in ::Operation::collectMessageParts() if the
input or output part description is missing. [Kaare Rasmussen]
- support for one-way (WSDL) messages, pushed by [Kaare Rasmussen]
version 0.64: Tue Nov 27 11:42:45 CET 2007
- various improvements in the output of Encode::decSimplify(),
the automatic decoded rpc-encoded messages.
- depends on XML::Compile 0.61
- ::Encoding::_dec_typed() confused URI and prefix.
- rpc-encoded now tests that user's constructed question has
a name-space.
- updated examples in example/namesservice/
WSDL example is now called: has_wsdl.pl
- added new example/namesservices examples:
New pure Schema example: has_schema.pl
RPC-literal example: rpc-literal.pl
RPC-Encoded example: rpc-encoded.pl
and 4 related simplifications, named xxxx2.pl
- added for convenience: Encoding::encAddNamespace() [without s]
version 0.63: Sat Nov 24 00:14:07 CET 2007
- requires XML::Compile 0.60
- ::Encode::typed() now uses selected schemaNS as default, so
simplifies the type parameter.
- ::Encode::element() now also has the 'type' as first parameter,
like ::typed().
- detection of operation type, where WSDL used prefixes.
- some improvements and changes where not listed in the changelog
for version 0.62
- fixed ::Encode::typed() when value is already an element
- WSDL11 headers parsed wrongly. [Gert Doering]
- added t/51wsdl11enc.t
- added ::Encoding::nil()
- test for ::Encoding::struct();
version 0.62: Mon Nov 19 12:55:42 CET 2007
- XML::Compile::SOAP::HTTPClient renamed into
It is reworked to extend the new XML::Compile::Transport.
Change invisible to WSDL users, but very visible to people
who create their own messages. Some of the trace records
changed name as well.
- swapped arguments of ::Encoding::typed() from
(name, type, value) to (type, name, value);
- WSDL11(::Operation)::prepareClient() renamed into
- moved README.todo text to XML::Compile::SOAP man-page,
because people often use pre-packaged modules and therefore
may not see the README files.
- extended the documentation a lot.
- implemented XML::Compile::SOAP::compileClient(), which was
documented but not present.
- added transport base class XML::Compile::Transport.
- compileMessage() accepts pre-compiled READER and WRITERs,
not only element types.
- implemented (and documented/tested) literal and encoded RPC.
- added Encoding::encAddNamespaces()
- added Encoding::struct()
- use fake_server to t/wsdl11.t
version 0.61: Tue Nov 6 13:56:54 CET 2007
- expected installation problmes due to version number.
version 0.60: Tue Nov 6 13:52:45 CET 2007
- requires XML::Compile 0.58
- Empty parameter list at operation will be passed to a
single body element.
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Encoding::decSimplify()
- Working(!) example included.
version 0.59: Mon Nov 5 15:57:30 CET 2007
- requires XML::Compile 0.57
- added XML::Compile::SOAP::Util, where all often-used URIs
are now defined.
- added XML::Compile::SOAP::Encoding, for XML-RPC.
tests in t/13enc11.t and t/14dec11.t
version 0.58: Mon Oct 22 10:53:30 CEST 2007
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Server was missing from the MANIFEST.
Cpan-testers, [Slaven Rezic]
version 0.57: Thu Oct 18 09:33:10 CEST 2007
SOAP11 might be working, partially. No tests with real HTTP
connection yet.
- XML::Compile::SOAP1[12]::Client's were missing from the
- roleAbbreviations() became roleURI(), and new roleAbbrevations()
which does the reverse of the old one.
- producing and decoding faults, with tests in t/11fault11.t
- implemented XML::Compile::SOAP::compileCall()
- moved description of missing implementation features from
XML::Compile::SOAP manual page to README.todo
version 0.56: Fri Oct 12 14:54:25 CEST 2007
Massive changes and extensions, but still not functioning.
- split-off XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon and all its needs into
a seperate distribution.
- implements XML::Compile::SOAP::Tester
- implements XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server
- implements XML::Compile::SOAP12::Server
- moved parts of XML::Compile::SOAP1[12]
into XML::Compile::SOAP1[12]::Client, and reworked examples.
- translated some die's and warn's into Log::Report
- use "5.008" in Makefile.PL, to replace "use 5.8" which is
not understood by Perl 5.5 [Slaven Rezic]
version 0.55: Wed Oct 3 22:57:24 CEST 2007
- first attempt on a full implementation. Quite some
interface changes were made; old docs are useless.
- fork from XML::Compile
- renamed XML::Compile::WSDL into XML::Compile::WSDL11
- renamed XML::Compile::SOAP::SOAP11 into XML::Compile::SOAP11
- renamed XML::Compile::SOAP::SOAP12 into XML::Compile::SOAP12
- install xsd's automatically, grouped in directories
- added wsdl11soap12.xsd
- Log::Report (translation) namespace xml-compile-soap
- depend on LWP
- renamed XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation into
- Added XML::Compile::SOAP::Client and ::Server
- Added XML::Compile::SOAP::HTTPClient and ::Server