Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH

3.00 Thu Mar 17 20:07:32 EST 2005
    - Added support for auto-configuring the handle through the instance
      script or environment variables. (Thilo Planz).

2.00 Wed Oct  6 21:21:55 EST 2004
	- Added support for multiple handles and named handles. The API is
	  completely backwards compatible with the existing behavior.  (Tony Fraser)

1.00 Wed Sep  8 19:15:44 EST 2004
    - Bumped version for release to CPAN

0.02 Sun Sep  5 12:05:50 EST 2004
    - Added support for initializing with an existing database handle.

0.01  Sat Sep  4 21:54:31 EST 2004
	- initial release