Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Application::ValidateRM.

1.05 Sun Jun 22 2003 
	- Improved examples in documentation (Mike Fragassi)
	  No functionality changes. 

1.04 Tue May 27 2003
 	- Fixed Build.PL syntax problem (Mike Fragassi)

1.03 Sun May 11 2003
	- Added check_rm, which returns the results as a
	  Data::FormValidator::Results object.

	- New Feature: Support for supplying defaults to the Data::FormValidator
      new() constructor by using the 'dfv_defaults' parameter.

	- New Feature: The profile can now be provided as the name of
	  a CGI::Application method which returns the appropriate hash reference. 
	- Also note that non-backwards compatible changes were made to D::FV's msgs
      interface. Although it doesn't affect the interface of this module,
	  non-backwards compatible changes were made to accomodate it.

1.00 Sun Apr 20
	- New Feature: added support for Data::FormValidator's new custom error
	  message facility. This version is /not/ backwards compatible.
	  Some has the functionality of this module is now available in

0.02  Sat Apr 12  
	- Bug Fix: options passed through vrm param weren't being respected
	(Neil Mansilla)

0.01  Sat Mar 29 07:46:31 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19