Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Uploader.
0.70_02 Wed Apr 21, 2004
- Removed custom_meta(). This problem space is now addressed by
allowing meta data to be passed to store_uploads(). Also, you could
override extract_meta() to add more functionality there.
- Added support for storing files based on a MD5 sum of the files
ID. This allows the file storage to scale well for millions of uploads.
See the docs for 'file_scheme' for detaills. (Thanks to Randal Schwartz
for the suggestion).
- Added option to specify only a max width or max height for thumbnails.
- Refactored several interfaces to use named parameters.
- Added 'downsize' option to spec, allowing downsizing of primary images.
- Added to binmode() calls to file handles, to possibly help Windows.
- Added support for uploading via CGI::Simple
- Added experimental support for uploading via Apache::Request
- Added Cookbook documentation
- Added 'thumbnail_of_id' column to meta data table.
- Added delete_thumbs() method
- Started to do real 'updates' rather than delete/re-inserts
- Cleaned up prequisites in Makefile.PL
- Fixed bug and added test for proper thumbnail resizing
- More API refactors
- Removed some un-needed mentions of Data::FormValidator from tests
- added test to verify thumbnail size
- refactored resize code into gen_thumb(). This will make it easier
to support other resize modules besides Image::Magick.
- Added Image::Size as a dependency. It's a fast tool for size checking
which does not depend on a graphics module being installed.
- Initial support for resizing with GD as a backup. It needs tested.
- Added File::Temp to Makefile.PL.
- Refactored to remove store_thumb(). This should help eventually support other
graphics modules besides Image::Magick
- Minor POD cleanups
- Added custom_meta() method for more flexible meta data handled
- clarified code and extended documentation
- exposed 'build_loc' function, which may be useful as a utility function,
or for a sub-class.
- custom fields are now returned with meta_hashref()
- Added up_table_map test and fixed some related code.
- Added 'up_table_map' configuration option, allowing for custom column
- Documentation for several functions added.
- Began refactoring to make support for Apache::Request easier.
0.50_03 Mon Mar 22, 2004
- possible "binmode" test fix for Windows platforms.
0.50_02 Sun Mar 21, 2004
- Removed dependence on Image::Size
- Documentation clarifications (David Manura)
0.50_01 Web Feb 11, 2004
- Removed dependence on Data::FormValidator
0.40_01 Sun Feb 8, 2004
- Extensive documentation updates, thanks to feedback from David Manura.
0.30_01 Fri Feb 6, 2004
- The API was largely re-worked, with several methods renamed and a few
added. No backwards compatibility can be expected.
- create_img_tmpl_vars() has been replaced
with a more generic create_tmpl_vars().
It should still work the same for images,
and better for non-images
- install_uploads() Now returns a hash ref
based on the valid hash, with appropriate additions
and deletions already made.
- The interface for delete_upload() has changed to accomodate
deleting based on directly providing a upload ID.
0.02 Sun May 18 2003
- initial public release
0.01 Sat May 17 16:15:05 2003
- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-b 5.5.0 -XAn CGI::Uploader