Revision history for Perl extension Data::FormValidator.
2.04 Fri Apr 11 2003
- Bug Fix: multiple parameters passed to a constraint
were not being handled appropriately in some cases. (Markus)
- Bug Fix: Calling "validate" as a class method in combination
with using "validator_packages no longer causes a problem.
2.03 Thu Apr 10 2003
- Bug Fix: use of "delete" syntax with multiple values updated
to be backwards compatible with Perl 5.005 (Jonathan Buhacoff)
2.02 Wed Apr 09 2003
- Bug Fix: fixed bug with required_regexp and optional_regexp triggered
if there is no required_regexp or optional_regexp in the profile *and*
something exists in $@ (Dom)
2.01 Wed Apr 02 2003
- Bug Fix: Fix bug introduced in 1.93 which didn't handle
input values appropriately that were references to other things
besides arrays. (Boris Zentner)
2.00 Sat Mar 22 2003
- Bug Fix: Fixed bug where all code references were treated as if the were
using the 'multiple constraints' feature. This bug was likely introduced
in 1.93 (Chris Spiegel)
- Bug Fix: Fixed bug which caused a failllure when using some sides of
subroutine constraints within the "multiple constraints" syntax.
(Chris Spiegal}
1.93 Sun Mar 09 2003
- New Feature: Keys with multiple values are now supported
- New Feature: A object can now be used to provide the input data
- Bug Fix: pattern matching is faster in some cases now by not using $&
(Tony Stubblebine)
- Bug Fix: better support for using valid_* packages imported from other
packages. (Alexander Solovey)
- added link to demo site in documentation
- fixed typo in documentation example (Kato Atsushi)
- added link to Japanese translatation of the documents (Kato Atsushi)
1.92 Sun Dec 22 2002
- support for untainting data (Tony Stubblebine)
- documentation typo fixes (Charlie Garrison)
- validator_packages added to profile specification
allowing import of validation routine from other packages (Jeremy Muhlich)
- support for multiple constraints per field added (Jeremy Muhlich)
- support for literal values in constraint param field (Jeremy Muhlich)
1.91 Sun Oct 05 2002
- Added feature to require some fields in a group. (Brad Smithart)
- Bumped version to be greater than 1.9 to make fetching work again
1.11 Sat Jun 29 2002
- Fixed small bug where constraint arrays were tested with truth rather than length. (Maurice Aubrey)
- Fixed documentation bug for american_phone validation (Dan Puro)
- Added documentation for simplified syntax using a class method
- Added profile syntax checking to help catch misspelled keys faster
1.10 Sun Apr 21 2002
- Added code for field_filter_regexp_map (Tim Noll)
1.9 Sun Feb 17 2002
- Fixed bug introduced in 1.8 which caused missing optional fields to
wrongly subjected to constraint checking
1.8 Thu Feb 14 2002
- Added link to Data::FormValidator::Tutorial in SEE ALSO section
- Added "missing_optional_valid" flag to profiles to allow missing
optional fields to be considered valid
1.7 Sat Nov 03 2001
- Fixed broken constraint_regexp_map implementation. If you
followed the example syntax in the documentation your regular
expression could have failed to match when it should have
succeeded. This feature now works as advertised in the
- Updated documentation to reflect new mailing list and public
CVS server.
1.6 Sun Sep 23 2001
- Fixed bug with undefined lists by using empty lists instead (Ronald Kimball)
- added IP address validation routine (Juan Jose Natera Abreu)
1.5.1 Wed Jul 18 2001
- Updated version number to circumvent CPAN issue. No code changes.
1.5 Thu Jun 28 2001
- Added more flexible dependency system (Ade Olonoh)
1.4 Fri Jun 22 2001
- Fixed bug with code references (T.J. Mather)
1.3 Tue Jun 19 2001
- Now maintained by Mark Stosberg <>
- Added constraint_regexp_map, required_regexp, optional_regexp
- filter functions are exported
- Renamed to Data::FormValidator from HTML::FormValidator