package Finance::IG::REST::Client; 
use JSON; 
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
my $datapath; 
my $content; 

use vars '$AUTOLOAD';

my $fdebug=0; # print debug infor relating to files etc. 

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Finance::IG::REST::Client - Module to mock REST::Client when testing Finance::IG


This module mocks REST::CLient. Rather than sending request via the internet a series of files with names derived from a hash of 
url and parameters are retrieved and contain the expected respons. 

The module is intended to be used with use Package::Alias, see below. 

The files can be generated with the module in Testing::Record::REST::Client, but you will need an IG account to run
generate files as you will need to really access the IG site. 

=head1 VERSION 

Version 0.08


our $VERSION=0.08; 


    use Package::Alias 'REST::Client'=>'Finance::IG::REST::Client' ; 
    use REST::Client; 

    use Package::Alias 'REST::Client'=>'Finance::IG::REST::Client' ; 
    use Some::Other::Module::That::UsesREST::Client' 

    calls to Some::Other... # All use the mocked REST::Client; 


This is a list of the implemented methods. We only implement those needed for testing Finance::IG

=head2 new 

No parameters, returns a blessed reference to the item 


   $AUTOLOAD =~ s/.*:://; 

    for my $name (qw/
                 GET PUT _buildAccessors _buildUseragent getUseragent setUseragent 
                 request _prepareURL getHost getTimeout
                 getCert getCa getPkcs12 getFollow getContentFile responseCode
                 responseHeader responseContent setHost 
       if ($AUTOLOAD eq $name)
         return 1; 


=head2 whoami 

This function is not implemented in the original REST::Client. It returns a string 

        This is Finance::IG::REST::Client 

so that you may know you have succesfully instantiated the right module. 


sub whoami
  return "This is Finance::IG::REST::Client"; 

  my $rcpath; 
  my $thispath=$INC{'Finance/IG/REST/'}; 

#  mkdir $datapath; 

#for my $name (qw/
#                 PUT _buildAccessors _buildUseragent getUseragent setUseragent 
#                 request _prepareURL getHost getTimeout
#                 getCert getCa getPkcs12 getFollow getContentFile responseCode
#                 responseHeader responseContent setHost
#                /
#             )
#  no strict 'refs';
#  no warnings 'redefine';
#  *{"Finance::IG::REST::Client::$name"} = sub {}; 

sub new
  return bless {}; 

=head2 POST 

Mocks the REST::CLient POST function 


sub POST{ 
  my ($self,$url,$jdata,$headers)=@_; 
  local $"=', '; 

  my $jheaders=JSON->new->canonical->encode($headers);  
  if ($jdata)

  $fdebug and print " url=$url\n jdata=$jdata\n jheaders=$jheaders\n"; 
  my $file="$datapath/".md5_hex($url,$jdata,$jheaders).".txt"; 
  $fdebug and print "Reading $file\n"; 
  open(F,"<",$file) or die "Cannot open file $file for read"; 
  read F, $content, 1000000; 
  close F; 
=head2 responseCode

returns the success response code (200) 


sub responseCode
  return 200; 

=head2 responseContent

returns the mocked content of the response


sub responseContent
  return $content; 



   die $content; 

=head2 responseHeader

returns the mocked response header. 


sub responseHeader
   my ($self,$header)=@_; 
   my $c=decode_json($content); 
   my $headers=$c->{headers}; 
   return $headers->{$header}; 

=head2 CST 

Dummy function. 


sub CST

=head2 GET 

Dummy function, calls POST


sub GET
  my ($self,$url,$headers)=@_; 