Release history for Perl module MooseX::App

1.41 2019-05-13
    - Switch to Dist::Zilla

1.40 2019-05-13
    - Disable 11_process.t on NetBSD since fork is failing (forking is only done
      during testing and not by the actual module)
    - Sort keys operations to get a predictable order of keys (implemented by Jose Luis Martinez)
    - Simplify dependencies: No need for Path::Class. File::Spec and File::Basename that are
      loaded via Module::Pluggable::Object are sufficient

1.39 2017-09-24
    - APP_DEVELOPER environment for extended module checks
    - Improved command checks: Die on single letter flags without Bool type constraints

1.38 2017-06-20
    - Cleanups (get rid of smartmatch, inentation, documentation, tests)
    - Also handle =head[2-4] tags when processing pod (#47)
    - Subcommands (based on work by Yanick Champoux)

1.37 2016-11-13
    - Refactor the way values are parsed from @ARGV
    - Rework boolean negation
    - Add developer checks

1.36 2016-10-11
    - Documentation
    - Set correct encoding on STDERR
    - Fix order of options (fixed by J.R. Mash)
    - Replace dashes in variable names with underscores in bash completion
      (implemented byTina Müller)
    - Do not autocomplete autocomplete itself (implemented by Lisa Hare)
    - Create correct documentation for options with cmd_split
    - Rename hints key to clarify purpose
    - Add ability to negate boolean options (implemented by Marc Logghe)
    - Spelling fixes github#39 (fixed by Gregor Herrmann)
    - Retain original order of elements from @ARGV

1.35 2016-04-02
    - Spelling fixes RT112234 (fixed by Gregor Herrmann)
    - Documentation
    - Allow to pass ARGV directly to constructor
    - use namespace::autoclean (reported by Mohammad S Anwar)
    - Dist housekeeping

1.34 2016-02-21
    - Do not accept invalid character in Term plugin
    - Fix RT112156: Command class lacking attribute metarole (reported by Marc Logghe)
    - Apply Spelling fixes RT105717 (fixed by Gregor Herrmann)
    - Add permute option to specify multiple values with one attribute key
    - Fix imports (fixed by Alexander Stoddard)
    - Documentation

1.33 2015-04-17
    - Fix failing tests
    - Fix manifest

1.32 2015-03-21
    - Improved Term Plugin (History, Delete, Pasting, Pos1/End, Cursors)
    - Documentation
    - Added app_command_register
    - Errors are now printed on STDERR
    - Disable fuzzy match for single letter parameters
    - Use proper exit codes if errors occur
    - Add tests for subprocesses
    - Add MutexGroup plugin (implemented by Hunter McMillen)
    - Add Depends plugin (implemented by Hunter McMillen)

1.31 2015-02-08
    - Dist cleanup (done by Sergey Romanov)
    - Moose cleanups (done by Sawyer X)
    - Fixed TERM plugin input
    - Coercion for ENV variables (implemented by Roman F.)
    - Refactor handling of boolean values
    - Allow for empty values
    - Add cmd_count option for counter attributes

1.30 2014-08-24
    - Better error message if command was not specified
    - Help improved
    - Term plugin
    - Deprecate Env plugin; Now in core
    - Fix broken usage in M::A::Simple
    - Fix documentation being parsed called multiple times

1.29 2014-08-05
    - Documentation improvements and fixups
    - Better error messages if type constraints fail
    - Better suggestions in case of errors
    - Handle enum type constraints in usage info
    - Display application documentation

1.28 2014-03-25
    - Fix failing tests (reported by Michael Greb and Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker)

1.27 2014-03-02
    - Fix warnings on warnings on 5.18 again
    - Documentation
    - Fix spelling (fixed by Gregor Herrmann)

1.26 2014-02-24
    - Fix failing tests

1.25 2014-02-23
    - Allow multiple command namespaces (implemented by Thilo Fester)
    - Documentation

1.24 2014-02-14
    - Fix POD warnings (fixed by David Golden)
    - Always reuse existing MooseX::App::ParsedArgv instances
    - Parse @ARGV as soon as possible
    - Fix Win32 colorisation issues (fixed by J.R. Mash)
    - Add app_prefer_commandline option

1.23 2014-01-27
    - Documentation
    - Manual plugin
    - More inheritance tests
    - Cleanup deprecated code

1.22 2013-05-24
    - Silence experimental::smartmatch warnings on 5.18 (fixed by Mike Doherty)

1.21 2013-04-13
    - Fix option sorting
    - Fix parsing of positional parameters

1.20 2013-04-08
    - Add cmd_split and cmd_position option
    - Fixed parameter position (fixed by Yanick Champoux)
    - app_strict option to set if app should terminate when unknown parameters
      or options are supplied

1.19 2013-03-28
    - Fixed failing tests
    - Fixed bug that was triggered by Moose 2.0800
    - Fixed on MSWin

1.18 2013-03-24
    - Added positional parameters with 'parameter' keyword
      (Attention: this change might break things if you used to work with @extra)
    - Parameters are handled in the meta class
    - Usage meta class methods refactored

1.17 2013-03-06
    - Fix failing tests

1.16 2013-02-27
    - Better license parsing
    - Fix failing tests
    - Use Class::Load instead of Class::MOP to load classes
    - Remove MooseX::Getopt dependency. Parse @ARGV ourself
    - Renamed meta class methods to use single prefix
    - Moved meta class methods to attribute meta class
    - Much more tests (95% statement and 90% total coverage)
    - Better error handling for Environment plugin

1.15 2013-01-18
    - Fix wrong attribute initialisation order

1.14 2013-01-15
    - Fix failing test
    - Update documentation
    - Optional usage information from POD (implemented by Yanick Champoux)
    - app_fuzzy now defaults to true
    - Version plugin prints license and copyright

1.13 2013-01-11
    - Fix failing test
    - Update documentation

1.12 2013-01-10
    - Fix failing test
    - Fix pod (Andrew Jones)

1.11 2013-01-08
    - Parse DistZilla ABSTRACT for documentation
    - Improve tutorial and fix typo (fixed by George Hartzell)
    - Saner bash completion and version plugin
    - Fix fuzzy command and attribute matching
    - Deprecate fuzzy plugin, use typo plugin instead
    - Handle shell character encodings
    - More tests

1.10 2013-01-07
    - Fix bash completion plugin (fixed by Steve Nolte)

1.09 2012-11-22
    - Fix failing load test

1.08 2012-11-17
    - Refactor object initialisation
    - Fix missing bash-completion prefix (fixed by Steve Nolte)
    - Require latest MooseX::Getopt (fixed by Steve Nolte)
    - Fix Plugin::Version docs RT81186 (fixed by Michael G)
    - Update documentation

1.07 2012-08-22
    - Fix failing load tests

1.06 2012-08-20
    - Single command interface (MooseX::App::Simple)
    - Fuzzy command matching plugin
    - Only lowercase command names
    - Environment plugin
    - Version plugin
    - Various cleanups

1.05 2012-06-04
    - Fix broken load tests
    - Join M::A::Meta::Attribute::Base and M::A::Meta::Attribute::Option

1.04 2012-06-02
    - Fix bugs in BashCompletion plugin
    - Remove code duplication
    - Fix --help flag in command classes
    - Fix pod to text conversion

1.03 2012-06-02
    - Do not expose all attributes as options but only those defined via
      'option' keyword
    - More tests
    - Internal changes (move methods to meta class, calculate loadable commands
      only once, ...)
    - Fix various bugs

1.02 2012-04-15
    - Fix command usage generation bug
    - Automatically apply MooseX-Getopt attribute traits
    - Rename command_tag to cmd_tag attribute

1.01 2012-04-12
    - Fix text failures
    - Fix Pod
    - Add missing tutorials to manifest

1.00 2012-04-07
    - Initial version