Revision history for Perl extension Set::IntSpan::Island.
0.04 Wed Sep 17 2008
- excise() now takes both an integer and set as argument
- added keep() which is the same as excise() but with complement size criteria
- distance() returns undef for empty set input
- fill() now takes both an integer and set as argument
- fixed bug in sets()
- extract_covers() now returns empty array when empty hash is passed in
0.03 10 Apr 2007
- fixed bug in extract_cover
0.02 12 Mar 2007
- added island iterator (c.f. Set::IntSpan's iterator): num_islands, at_island, current_island, first, next, prev, last
- added extract_cover example
0.01 5 Mar 2007
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19