package Bracket::Schema::Result::Session; # Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader # DO NOT MODIFY THE FIRST PART OF THIS FILE use strict; use warnings; use base 'DBIx::Class::Core'; =head1 NAME Bracket::Schema::Result::Session =cut __PACKAGE__->table("session"); =head1 ACCESSORS =head2 id data_type: CHAR default_value: undef is_nullable: 0 size: 72 =head2 session_data data_type: TEXT default_value: undef is_nullable: 1 size: 65535 =head2 expires data_type: INT default_value: undef is_nullable: 1 size: 11 =cut __PACKAGE__->add_columns( "id", { data_type => "CHAR", default_value => undef, is_nullable => 0, size => 72 }, "session_data", { data_type => "TEXT", default_value => undef, is_nullable => 1, size => 65535, }, "expires", { data_type => "INT", default_value => undef, is_nullable => 1, size => 11 }, ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("id"); # Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.05003 @ 2010-03-02 09:36:49 # DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:x4DzAiFfNb9AYzwhu+NKHA # You can replace this text with custom content, and it will be preserved on regeneration 1;