Compare people names looking for similarities in spelling.

0.05    2010 April 2
        Bug Fix:
        * list_of_similar_name_pairs test now has a fixed order to the 
          array reference of similar names.
0.04    2010 Mars 28
        Bug Fix:
        * Remove Data::Dumper::Concise from basic.t as
        it's not considered a dependency.

0.03    2010 Mars 28
        * Refine Synopsis
        * Add code repository location.

0.02    2010 Mars 27
        * Added accessor to list of pairs of people with similar names.
        * renamed list_of_similar_names method to list_of_similar_name_pairs
        to better clarify that the listed returned is pairs of names.
        * POD to describe the classes and new accessor.

0.01    2010 Mars 4

        Initial CPAN release