Revision history for Perl extension Tk::GridColumns.
0.05 Wed Jan 30 14:11 2008
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
. -b 5.8.8
. -XA
. -n Tk::GridColumns
0.07 Mon Feb 04 12:44 2008
- added 4 methods:
. generate_header_cmd()
. generate_item_draw_cmd()
. get_item()
. get_head()
- added 2 options
. -header_cmd
. -item_draw_cmd
- expanded tests ( a little )
- expanded documentation ( a little )
0.11 Sun Aug 16 16:28 2009
- completely new code
- options:
. -selectmode => 'single/multiple row/item'
. -data => [ [1,'A'], ... ]
. -columns => [ { -text => ... }, ... ]
. -colattr => { -background => ... }
. -itemattr => { -font => ... }
. -item_draw_cmd => \&Tk::GridColumns::_item_draw_cmd
. -select_cmd => \&Tk::GridColumns::_select_cmd
. -deselect_cmd => \&Tk::GridColumns::_deselect_cmd
. -item_bindings => { '<Double-ButtonPress-1>' => \&some_sub, ... }
- accessors:
. OLD = OBJ->selectmode() ; OBJ = OBJ->selectmode(NEW)
. OLD = OBJ->data() ; OBJ = OBJ->data(NEW)
. OLD = OBJ->columns() ; OBJ = OBJ->columns(NEW)
. OLD = OBJ->colattr() ; OBJ = OBJ->col_attr(NEW)
. OLD = OBJ->itemattr() ; OBJ = OBJ->item_attr(NEW)
. OLD = OBJ->item_draw_cmd() ; OBJ = OBJ->item_draw_cmd(NEW)
. OLD = OBJ->select_cmd() ; OBJ = OBJ->select_cmd(NEW)
. OLD = OBJ->deselect_cmd() ; OBJ = OBJ->deselect_cmd(NEW)
. OLD = OBJ->item_bindings() ; OBJ = OBJ->item_bindings(NEW)
. OLD = OBJ->selected() ; OBJ = OBJ->selected(NEW) # use ->curselection to get the selected items
- other methods:
. OBJ->select( X, Y ) -- marks the item at X,Y as selected and calls the -select_cmd
. OBJ->deselect( X, Y ) -- marks the item at X,Y as not selected and calls the -deselect_cmd
. OBJ->curselection() -- returns an array reference that holds the position of the selected items: [ [X,Y], ... ]
. OBJ->clear_selection() -- calls the -deselect_cmd for every item that is marked as selected
. OBJ->refresh_selection() -- calls the -select_cmd for every item that is marked as selected
. OBJ->add_column( opt => val ) -- adds a new column to the GridColumns
. OBJ->add_row( bla, bla ) -- adds a new row to the data
. OBJ->sort_col( X, SORT, REVERSE ) -- sorts data and selection by using the SORT subroutine on column X's data
reverses the sort if REVERSE is set; does not refresh anything
. OBJ->sort_cmd( X, SORT ) -- creates a -command that can be used in a column
. OBJ->draw_header() -- draws the header ; use ->refresh_header to make changes in the -columns visible
. OBJ->draw_items() -- draws the items ; use ->refresh_items to make changes in the -data visible
. OBJ->set_filler() -- configures the grid so that the widgets stick to the top
->refresh and ->refresh_items call this one automatically
. OBJ->refresh() -- makes changes to -columns or -data visible
. OBJ->refresh_header() -- makes changes to -columns visible
. OBJ->refresh_items() -- makes changes to -data visible
1. make the options accessible by ->configure() and ->cget()
2. more examples
3. more tests
4. more documentation
5. make it faster
0.13 Mon Aug 17 17:59 2009
- added ->configure and ->cget support
- added examples:,,,
- wrote some documentation
- fixed: -itemattr and -colattr did not get applied in all situations
1. more documentation
2. add tests
3. add the ability to set additional grid options (-minsize, -pad, ...)
4. add the ability to scroll via mouse wheel (or show how to do it in an example)
5. make it faster
0.15 Fr Sep 04 19:12 2009
! refresh_items() did not destroy all items if the data was reduced
! curselection() now removes inexistent selections
+ OBJ->remove_filler() -- sets -weight => 0 for the row under the last data row
+ tests
~ the default ButtonPress events now give the clicked widget the focus
~ added an application example:
1. more documentation
2. add tests
3. add features of the TODO section (POD) - this will also make it faster in a way
4. add the ability to set additional grid options (-minsize, -pad, ...)
note: won't bother with mouse wheel