Revision history for Perl extension Growl::Any

0.10 2013-03-27T17:45:09Z
        - minilize

0.09 2011-04-21 18:00:00
        - Use environment variable $GROWL_ANY_DEFAULT_BACKEND to specify interface.

0.08 2011-04-20 12:00:00
        - Die when failed to post.

0.07 2011-04-20 12:00:00
        - Added 'parent' to test_requires.

0.06 2011-03-10 12:00:00
        - Fixed broken MANIFEST.

0.06 2011-03-08 02:22:02
        - Avoid test with "A password is required" in Net::Growl.

0.05 2011-02-21 13:00:39
        - Split into submodules for maintaining (gfx)
        - Add Null backend for the last fallback (gfx)

0.04    Mon Dec 27 00:58:00 2010
        - add Cocoa::Growl

0.03    Tue Oct 19 14:00:51 2010
        - add dependency for LWP::UserAgent

0.02    Mon Oct 18 10:36:35 2010
        - add dependency for File::Where

0.01    Thu Mar 19 15:23:57 2009
        - original version