Revision history for Data-Munge
0.092 2014-11-25
* Work around some parser bug in perl 5.6.
0.091 2014-11-19
* Work around regex bug (#115242) in perls < 5.18 that causes spurious
test failures.
0.09 2014-11-18
* Add slurp.
* Don't leave $VERSION and @EXPORT in scope for eval_string.
0.08 2014-09-15
* Make trim(undef) return undef without warnings.
0.07 2013-10-22
* eval_string() now sets __FILE__ and __LINE__ for the eval'd code.
This may or may not make error locations more useful.
0.06 2013-03-07
* add elem
0.05 2013-03-05
* add trim, eval_string, and rec
0.04 2011-08-04
* Fix buggy behavior for list2re('') and list2re()
0.032 2010-01-23
* Fix overly strict test that fails on < 5.10
0.031 2010-01-20
* Also remove Defaults::Mauke from tests (sigh).
0.03 2010-01-19
* Dropped dependency on Defaults::Mauke.
* Added submatches/replace.
0.02 2009-12-14
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.