Revision history for perl module Mojolicious-Plugin-RESTRoutes
0.010012 2015-03-09
- New parameter "route" allows to specify route component string (to
overwrite default of using english plural form of "name")
- Test code for new parameter "route"
- remove unneccessary runtime dependencies
- Documentation talked about prefix /api/ which was not use in doc
- Mojolicious 6: replaced ->bridge() with ->under()
- Mojolicious 6: Obviously the ways to specify the controller name are
different now
0.010011 2015-01-23
- Route parameters are now fed into a stash entry "fm.ids"
- More detailed usage doc
0.010010 2014-04-10
- added another missing entry into this changelog ;-)
0.010009 2014-04-09
- added two missing entries into this changelog
0.010008 2014-04-09
- #90860: Removed "use MojoX::Log::Log4perl;" from 10_basic.t (thanks to
- #87336: Failed with perls < 5.14 (thanks to ANDK)
- fixed some spelling and words
- turned "info" logging into "debug" logging
0.010007 2014-04-09
- now using my own Dist::Zilla plugin bundle @Author::MAXHQ
- updated to work with newest Mojolicious (replaced "$self->secret" with
0.0100065 2013-06-26
- initial CPAN release