0.002007 2014-09-30

- FileGenerator steps can now return undef from the last_run_time() method in
  order to indicate that the step must be re-run. The last_run_time() method
  provided by the Stepford::Role::Step::FileGenerator role does this when any
  of the production files are missing. Fixed by Ran Eilam. GH #9.

- When running a parallel plan, steps that should have been rebuilt because of
  stale files were not being rebuilt properly. Fixed by Ran Eilam. GH #10.

0.002006 2014-08-12

- The logger passed to each step class is now wrapped to prepend a per-step
  class moniker to each log message. This makes following the logs for a
  parallel run much easier.

- The planner object now recognizes inner classes created by any files that it
  loads. This means you can create step classes on the fly and the planner
  will recognize them as being valid.

0.002005 2014-06-30

- More doc fixes for Stepford::Planner. The docs on when we do error checks
  and what type of errors are checked for were out of date.

0.002004 2014-06-30

- Fixed the Stepford::Planner docs. The docs said that the constructor
  accepted a final_steps method, and did not document the parameter passed to
  the run() method properly. Bug report by Olaf Alders. GH #5.

0.002003 2014-06-19

- Added debug level logging that explains how each dependency for each class
  is resolved.

0.002002 2014-06-02

- The Stepford::Planner object now throws an error if it finds a class in any
  given step namespace that is a subclass of Moose::Object but which doesn't
  consume the Stepford::Role::Step role.

0.002001 2014-05-21

- Fixed an incorrect example in the Stepford::Planner SYNOPSIS and improved
  the larger example in the Stepford.pm SYNOPSIS.

0.002000 2014-05-21

* Breaking API changes. Final step(s) are now passed to the $planner->run()
  method rather than the Stepford::Planner constructor.

- Implemented the ability to specify multiple final steps for a run.

- Implemented parallel running.

- All runs now end with a new step, Stepford::FinalStep. This just logs a
  message saying that the run is complete.

- Plans are now optimized so steps run as early as possible in the plan. This
  helps improve parallelism and is just more generally correct. Thanks to Ran
  Eilam for pointing me at a blog post
  (blog.codeaholics.org/parallel-ant/#how-it-works) that described a very
  simple algorithm to do this.

0.001002 2014-04-22

- Require Time::HiRes 1.9726. Some earlier versions broke constructs like
  (stat $file)[9]. This construct is used in the Stepford::Role::FileGenerator

0.001001 2014-03-27

- (Hopefully) Fix some test failures that look they're caused by hash
  randomization. Reported by Slaven Rezic. GitHub issue #1.

0.001000 2014-03-20

- Totally redesigned the whole thing after discussions with Greg Oschwald here
  at MaxMind. I did say this was alpha!

0.000002 2014-03-03

- The tests now require Time::HiRes 1.9722. It seems like the version shipped
  before Perl 5.16 (1.9721_01) has a weird bug when used like this:

      some_sub( (stat $file)[9] );

  It seems to return the value "9" rather than the mtime.

0.000001 2014-02-25

- First release upon an unsuspecting world.