Revision history for Devel-Debug-DBGp
0.04 2015-12-15 10:10:10 CET
- Test fixes for Perl 5.6
- Basic documentation
0.03 2015-12-06 22:49:27 CET
- Test fixes for Perl 5.14
0.02 2015-12-06 20:10:37 CET
- More compatibility fixes for existing Xdebug clients
- Optionally do not open a DBGp connection during startup,
and don't terminate the program when the debugger disconnects
0.01 2015-11-26 15:29:27 CET
- Xdebug compatibility mode (to be able to use existing
IDE debugger plugins)
- Speed up program execution when the debugger is loaded but
debugging is disabled
- Add the option to connect throug an Unix-domain socket
- Fixes for working under uWSGI (multi-process, one DBGp
connection per HTTP request)
- Minimal test suite and CPAN packaging
- Imported Komodo-PerlRemoteDebugging-8.5.4-86985