Revision history for Perl extension ExtUtils::XSpp.

0.06  Wed Jan 13 20:28:27 CET 2010
	- When parsing a class declaration, automatically add a typemap
	  for the class.
	- Add default typemaps for basic C types (integral, floating point
	  and char*).
	- Automatically setup Perl inheritance for derived C++ classes.
	- Support template types in function/method parameters and in typeamaps.
	- Add command line options to run xsubpp directly from xspp.

0.05  Sun Sep 20 14:29:16 CEST 2009
	- Move the implementation of xspp to ExtUtils::XSpp::Cmd.

	- Let XS' length() feature pass through. (Steffen Mueller)
	- If the length() feature is used, generate ANSI style
	  XSUBs instead of the default K.-R. style. (Steffen Mueller)
	- Add parsing deep class hierarchies. (Steffen Mueller)
	- Fix two-part types (eg. unsigned int). (Steffen Mueller)
	- Non-zero exit value on failure for more graceful build errors.
	  (Steffen Mueller)

	- Include a renamed Parse::Yapp::Driver to eschew
	  a dependency. (Steffen Mueller)

	- Added an example distribution (Steffen Mueller).

0.01  Wed Jun 17 21:01:00 CEST 2009
	- Extracted from wxPerl source tree.
	- Pass through C and C++ comments.
	- Added test suite.