Revision history for Perl extension ExtUtils::XSpp.

0.17_02  Wed Aug 28 22:35:02 CEST 2013
	- Fixed getters for typemaps using %output_list annotation.

0.17_01  Sat Aug 10 08:20:11 CEST 2013
	- Added standard XS typemap for objects (disabled by default for
	  backwards compatibility).x
	- Allow specifying XS typemap code in the XS++ typemap declaration.
	- Generate accessors for member variables.
	- Handle multiple function/method annotations (used by plugins).
	- Updated plugin interface (should be backwards-compatible).

0.1700   Sun Feb 10 12:00:00 CET 2013
	- %alias feature for aliasing XS++ wrappers.

0.1603   Fri Dec 28 12:03:09 CEST 2012
	- Fix blead-perl warning about unescaped { in regexps.
	- Use ExtUtils::Typemaps instead of ExtUtils::Typemap (which
	  had to be renamed).
	- Somewhat improved examples.

0.1602   Fri Jun  3 22:08:53 CEST 2011
	- Fixed code generation for package_static methods.

0.1601   Sat Mar 12 10:21:15 CET 2011
	- Do not try to rebuld the grammar during CPAN installation.

0.16     Fri Mar 11 20:40:12 CET 2011
	- Allow renaming destructors and fixed parsing of virtual ones.

0.15     Sat Aug 14 11:36:39 CEST 2010
	- Improved support for conditional code (via #ifdef) in plugins.

0.14     Wed Jul 21 17:00:00 CEST 2010
	- This release demonstrates why it is a good idea
	  to do developer releases.
	- Fix problem with templated types and the shorthand
	  for typemaps that was introduced in 0.13.

0.13     Wed Jul 21 17:00:00 CEST 2010
	- Add support for simplified typemap statements
	  a la %typemap{type}; which are a shorthand for
	  {simple} and {reference}.

0.12     Sun Jul 11 17:00:00 CEST 2010
	- Add new example using Module::Build::WithXSpp.

0.11_02  Thu Jun 24 20:00:00 CEST 2010
	- Allow applying parser plugin annotations to constructors
	  and destructors.
	- Use of {%...%} for the %cpp_type tag of parsed typemaps.
	- Fix %length for anything but the most trivial wrappers.

0.11_01  Sat Jun  5 11:02:09 CEST 2010
	- Parse enum declarations.
	- Added an experimental plugin interface.

0.11  Mon May  3 20:16:23 CEST 2010
	- Released 0.10_02 as 0.11.

0.10_02  Tue Apr 27 08:06:04 CEST 2010
	- Fix packaging error.

0.10_01  Mon Apr 26 21:44:25 CEST 2010
	- Improved and documented the syntax for complex "parsed" typemaps.
	  The old syntax will be removed soon.
	- Allow '&' and '|' operators in the default value of functions and
	- Do not generate XS code for the private and protected members of
	  a class.

0.10  Wed Apr 14 19:20:00 CET 2010
	- Now requires ExtUtils::ParseXS 0.2202.
	- C++ Exceptions can now be handled with code much like typemaps
	  int MethodFoo() %catch{Name};
	  Detailed documentation in ExtUtils::XSpp::Exception.
	- Grammar simplifications.
	- Fixed 'methods' argument of Class node constructor.
	- Parse 'static' as a synonym of 'package_static'.
	- Parse pure virtual functions correctly.

0.09  Wed Feb 10 19:20:00 CET 2010
	- Automatically include an #include <exception> into the output
	  for the exception handling.
	- Documentation for ExtUtils::XSpp::Node and subclasses.
	- Split ExtUtils/XSpp/ into separate per-class files.

0.08  Fri Feb  5 19:00:00 CET 2010
	- Catch all C++ exceptions in the generated wrapper XS.
	  The exceptions are turned into plain Perl croak() calls
	  for now but may be upgraded to configurable exception
	  objects later. (Steffen Mueller)

0.07  Fri Jan 22 18:07:10 CET 2010
	- Fix issue with references as method arguments that have
	  template types. (Steffen Mueller)

0.06  Wed Jan 13 20:28:27 CET 2010
	- When parsing a class declaration, automatically add a typemap
	  for the class.
	- Add default typemaps for basic C types (integral, floating point
	  and char*).
	- Automatically setup Perl inheritance for derived C++ classes.
	- Support template types in function/method parameters and in typeamaps.
	- Add command line options to run xsubpp directly from xspp.

0.05  Sun Sep 20 14:29:16 CEST 2009
	- Move the implementation of xspp to ExtUtils::XSpp::Cmd.

	- Let XS' length() feature pass through. (Steffen Mueller)
	- If the length() feature is used, generate ANSI style
	  XSUBs instead of the default K.-R. style. (Steffen Mueller)
	- Add parsing deep class hierarchies. (Steffen Mueller)
	- Fix two-part types (eg. unsigned int). (Steffen Mueller)
	- Non-zero exit value on failure for more graceful build errors.
	  (Steffen Mueller)

	- Include a renamed Parse::Yapp::Driver to eschew
	  a dependency. (Steffen Mueller)

	- Added an example distribution (Steffen Mueller).

0.01  Wed Jun 17 21:01:00 CEST 2009
	- Extracted from wxPerl source tree.
	- Pass through C and C++ comments.
	- Added test suite.