
- Altered energy distribution scheme to more effective log(degree)+1 
	(thanks to Martin Spernau for testing this)

0.06  7.23.2003

- Merged in XS implementation from Schuyler Erle
- Fixed global weighting bug where counts and weights were being computed in
	the same loop
- Updated test cases to reflect bugfixes
- Added XS/pure Perl switch in constructor
- Updated test cases to test both XS and pure Perl versions

0.05  7.17.2003

- Module now inherits from Storable.pm
- Added "find similar" method for document similarity search
- Added "mixed_search" method for term + document search;
- Edges are now normalized around each document
- Renamed TDM load method to "load_from_tdm"
- Singletons now inhabit the graph, instead of living in a lookup table
- Special check prevents bounce-back from singletons
- Many more test cases
- Two levels of debugging output
- Added credits for John Cuadrado and Scott Preece	

0.04  7.14.2003

- Applied patches from Leon Brocard
	 - actual test cases
	 - fixed typo that broke module
	 - cleanup of debugging flag and output
	 - added dependency on Test::More

0.03  7.11.2003 

- Added check to make sure no edges can have greater than unit weight

0.02  7.11.2003

- Added interface for just adding document titles + word lists, and having the sucker
  build the search engine for you.   Earlier TDM format universally reviled by 
  Perl community...
- Added some POD and minor code patches from Ken Williams

0.01 6.01.2003

- And Maciej said, "Let there be Search::ContextGraph"!