Revision history for Perl extension Test::XML::Simple.
1.04  Sat Jan 26 13:42:07 PST 2013
    - Update POD

1.03  Sat Jan 26 13:37:11 PST 2013
    - Update README

1.02  Fri Jan 25 18:09:24 PST 2013
    - Added ability to pass in a XML::LibXML::Document object
    - clean up unused variable
      Thanks to bor@GitHub (Sergiy Borodych) for the fixes!
1.01  Tue Jun  5 12:44:22 PDT 2012
    - Changed LEGAL section to LICENSE so CPANTS sees it.
    - Change XML::LibXML min version to 1.99 so tests are consistent.

1.00  Sat Sep 19 02:52:31 PDT 2009
	- Switched to Test::Builder::Tester for testing to get rid of
	  problems with threaded Perls and Test::Builder::Capture.
	- Fixed test levels for call so that test failures are reported
          at the invocation of the test rather than down inside the module.

0.10  Sun Aug 23 15:29:16 PDT 2009
	- Added license
        - Added Test::LongString prereq as per AKAPLAN
        - Fixed META.yml to be a known-good format

0.09  Tue Dec 20 17:20:44 PST 2005
	- xml_like did not return a true value when it
	  works properly.

0.08  Tue Dec 20 16:04:14 PST 2005
	- Make sure the backup error message for xml_like
	  includes the user's supplied comment.

0.07  Tue Dec 20 14:25:52 PST 2005
	- change xml_like to search through all text and
	  CDATA sections whe doing a match.

0.06  Fri Dec  9 16:42:11 PST 2005
	- Fixed some really egregious errors in the 
	  XML comparisons. (Note to self: find *all*
	  the interface differences next time!)
	- added _long versions of the test functions.
	  these use Test::More's comparisons. The 
	  xml_is, xml_like, and xml_is_deeply
	  functions all use Test::Longstring, for
	  those who want the same tests, less filling.

0.05  Mon Nov 28 14:41:58 2005
	- Switched to XML::LibXML
	- reordered Test::Tester to the top in all tests
	- fixed test tests that had no result testing
        - tests now fail with the appropriate message
	  instead of diag'ing it

0.04  Wed Sep 14 14:43:10 2005
	- Fixed xml_is and xml_like to handle attributes better
	  (//node[@attr] will now actually return the value of the
	  attribute instead of dying)

0.03  Thu Sep  8 17:36:52 2005
	- Updated docs (included docs for xml_is_deeply)
	- Added tests

0.02  Thu Apr 21 14:05:42 2005 
	- added Test::Tester to the prereqs (oops).

0.01  Tue Mar  1 08:18:07 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-AX -n Test::XML::Simple