Revision history for Perl module WWW::Mechanize::Pluggable
1.07  Tue Mar  8 22:40:31 PST 2011
	- Updated several tests to match current WWW::Mechanize API.
	- Hard-coded requirement for minimum level of WWW::Mechanize.

1.06  Fri May 21 14:19:22 PDT 2010
	- fix local/back.t to always use a localhost URL
	  (fails if hostname doesn't resolve)

1.05  Sat Mar 21 16:24:38 PDT 2009
	- Updates to handle WWW::Mechanize API changes
	  -- autoocheck now defaults to 1
	  -- _pop_page_stack is gone
	  -- other minor test changes

1.04  Wed Sep 19 18:17:22 PDT 2007
	- Updated t/local/back.t to be more cautious about whether it
          should try to kill the (possibly nonexistent) HTTP:Daemon.
	  Thanks to Andreas Koenig for this one,

1.03 Tue Sep 18 14:41:05 PDT 2007
	- Updated tests to match newest WWW::Mechanize
	- Allow a different subclass (such as Test::WWW::Mechanize) 
	  to be used for Mech (from Jonathan Swartz)
	- Fix a bug where plugin load errors are concealed by an eval()
	  (also from Jonathan Swartz)
	- Patch Plugin/ to fix a few minor errors
	  (from Jonathan Swartz as well!)

1.02 Thu Jan 25 09:20:52 PST 2007
	- Expand the namespace allowed for plugins: now can use
	  any namespace below WWW::Mechanize::Plugin

1.01 Fri Jun 23 15:48:46 PDT 2006
	- replaced YAML with Data::Dump::Streamer for cloning;
	  fewer prereqs.

1.00 Tue Apr  4 14:59:38 PDT 2006
	- fixed ugly problem with parameterized plugins;
 	  removed the "elimate parameters" business that
	  was a hack; replaced with by-plugin-name

0.11 Fri Mar 31 13:22:39 PST 2006
	- fork() fix in tests for Win32 and other OS'es 
	  without fork()

0.10 Wed Nov 23 09:03:46 2005 
	- last_method added to allow plugins to see what method
	  was called (and optionally call it again if needed).

0.09 Tue Sep 13 15:44:55 2005
	- added code to WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::Cookbook to make sure
          it didn't "fail to load" when the plugins were scanned.

0.08 Tue Sep 13 15:00:32 2005 
	- fixed Echo test plugin to consistently work under 5.8 

0.07 Tue Sep 13 12:41:57 2005 
	- Plugin arguments to new() are now supported via init()
	- clarified init() interface; added docs for deleting params
	- added test Echo plugin and plugin_args.t
        - added cookbook

0.06 Tue Aug 16 12:30:40 2005
	- added -notaint option to tests and Makefile.PL
        - expanded docs

0.05 Tue Jul 26 15:42:08 2005
	- minor change to return checking for pre hooks; a 
	  plugin which returned undef would get a nasty warning
	- reorder creation of WWW::Mechanize object in new() to 
	  allow plugins to modify prereq classes before the object
	  is created

0.04 Thu Jul  8 14:38:41 2005 
	- modifications to Module::Pluggable call to make sure modules
          are not loaded until first new() call to WWW::Mech::Pluggable
	- mods to init() to make sure plugins get a good copy of the object
	- removed test for mech-dump, since we don't install it

0.03 Thu Jun 30 23:36:34 2005
	- core plugin support working
	- core hook support working
        - extended documentation for base class and example plugin
        - removed debug warning message in plugin
	- version numbering fixed in this file

0.02 Tue Jun 28 12:20:34 2005
	- core hook support started
	- added fixed version of Module::Pluggable and tests
	- fixes to Makefile.PL for missing prereqs

0.01 Tue May  3 15:30:45 2005
	- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.32