0.0.21 2016-03-28

* sparrow_hub_api_url could be set by $sparrow_hub_api_url environment variable
* 0 Exit code when trying to create an already existing checkpoint - issues/1

0.0.20 2016-02-23

* action `sparrow plg run` to run plugin tests as is ( without check points )

* documentation improved

0.0.19 2016-02-22

* execute `carton update` when install public plugin

0.0.18 2016-02-17

* do not exclude suite.ini when uploading plugin

0.0.17 2016-01-21

* public plugin install - use `curl -k` in attempt to solve centos5 ssl related issues. it looks like a dirty hack but I could
not find any better

0.0.16 2016-01-21

* public plugin install - always use `carton` to install dependencies probably missed for previous

* index update - use `curl -k` in attempt to solve centos5 ssl related issues. it looks like a dirty hack but I could
not find any better

0.0.15  2016-01-19

* actualized distribution short description

* hot fix for plg upload command ( *.ini was accidentally ignored, but now only suite.ini gets ignored when creating tarball  )

0.0.14  2016-01-19

* breaking changes:

    * command \`check set_swat' is deprecated due to check set ini

* new commands to support test suite ini files:

    * \`check set ini'

    * \`check load_ini'    

* support for generic plugins ( outthentic )

0.0.13  2015-12-30

- documentation release - correct url to SparrowHub - https://sparrowhub.org  

# 0.0.12 2015-12-30

* now it's possible to set SaprrowHub credentials via sph_user and sph_token environment variables
* added missed dependencies ( at least for perl <= 5.20, thanks to Travis!  ) - Json
* added build status badge to README.md file

0.0.11 2015-12-29

* compatible with the latest version of swat. swat.my passed by swat_my environment variable

0.0.10 2015-12-29

* a couple of hot fixes: 1) create spl_file if not exists; 2) removed HTTP::Tiny usage

0.0.9 2015-12-29

* documentation small improvements
* new option `--cron` for check run command
* internal tests improvements

0.0.8 2015-12-27

* *breaking changes*

    * changed checkpoints commands API, see documentation

    * code refactoring

0.0.7 2015-12-18

* integration with SparrowHub - https://sparrowhub.org
* checkpoints as replacements for sites and linked plugins

0.0.6 2015-12-03

* regenerated cpan meta files ( suddenly got lost in version 0.0.5 )

0.0.5 2015-12-03

* new commands: site_info
* code clean up
* improved output 

0.0.4 2015-11-30

* add more outthentic tests
* remove project command
* minor documentation changes

0.0.3 2015-11-30

* minor improvements in output ( sorting, etc )
* propagate some errors in more meaningful manner
* cleanup documentation

0.0.2 2015-11-29

* various bug fixes
* refactoring
* add some remove operations
* improved documentation

0.0.1 2015-11-27

* Initial release to CPAN