0.1.93 2016-03-18

* require latest version of outthentic dsl

* some debug messages are only shown at higher level of debug variable

* Makefile.PL - fix for Unparsable version for prerequisite Term::ANSIColor

0.1.92 2016-03-16

* Required at least >= 4.02 version of Term::ANSIColor

0.1.91 2016-03-11

* experimenting with color schema in TAP

0.1.90 2016-03-09

* changed output color schema a little bit
* output_mod variable is respected

0.1.89 2016-03-07

* adding color output - thanks to Term::ANSIColor author

0.1.88 2016-03-06

* new feature - meta stories

* checking http code instead of relying on `curl -f`

* TAP output improved

0.1.87 2016-03-04

* internal tests directory structure changed - should not alter public API behavior

0.1.86 2016-03-04

* curl `-L` now replaced by curl_follow_redirect variable

0.1.85 2016-02-29

* made debug12 mode less verbose to easier debugging 

0.1.84 2016-02-22

* swat client - changed default output layout, made it less verbose, more simple and more clear 

0.1.83 2016-02-15

* stream function exported from dsl

* match_lines function exported from dsl

* depends on latest version of Outthentic::DSL

* https://github.com/melezhik/swat/issues/17 fixed (broken pod)

0.1.82 2016-01-30

* bin/swat - resource name calculation hotfix for paths like  foo.txt/bar.txt/get.txt  

0.1.81 2016-01-28

* function run_response_processor now save  modified response into temporary file so it could be viewed latter

0.1.80 2016-01-26

* response processors implementation
* diag response - unix `head` command replaced by perl code

0.1.79  2016-01-26

* ability to pass group of tests as -t path1 path2 path3 ... - https://github.com/melezhik/swat/issues/13
* new command line parameter `--debug`

* response processors 

0.1.78 2016-01-18

* regenerated build for the sake of meta.yml get lost for last one ( a pesky issue for me )

0.1.77 2016-01-18

* Breaking changes - swat.my is deprecated ( use test suite ini file instead )

* Support of test suite ini file

* Hooks API -  \`set_response' could be called more than once

* https://github.com/melezhik/swat/pull/16 - by [Luca Ferrari](https://github.com/fluca1978) - Thanks a lot!

0.1.76 2016-01-11

* documentation release ( typos fixes, swat client command line options cleared, response processors feature announced ( not implemented yet  )

0.1.75 2015-12-30

* documentation release ( typo fix, thanks to Lance Wicks - pull/15; swat_purge_cache and swat_my variables described  )

0.1.74 2015-12-30

* hot fix - resource variable calculation in right place, so swat.ini "see" correct value of $resource

0.1.73 2015-12-29

* swat now respects swat_my environment to use a swat.my file located not only in CWD. 

This feature is required for sparrow integration.

0.1.72 2015-12-26

    * test_file is deprecated - use \`-t' option instead
    * prove settings should be passed via \`--prove' option now ( old behavior - "pass as is")
* swat_purge_cache could be set in different contexts ( env var, swat.ini )

0.1.71 2015-12-15

* unsuccessful http status codes now result in immediate exit(1) and proper diag message.
* fix pod issue ( added =pod marker in the beginning of pod) - thanks to [alaska332](http://habrahabr.ru/users/alaska332/)

0.1.70 2015-12-09

* dump curl stderr

0.1.69 2015-12-09

* now ignore_http_err=1 results in running curl without -f flag to allow see http response body for bad responses - https://github.com/melezhik/swat/issues/5
* use `curl -o file` instead of redirect to file to save responses 

0.1.68 2015-11-16
* swat_purge_cache: ability to remove swat cache directory after tests are done

0.1.67 2015-11-12

* bin/swat - hotfix for host:port issue ( second try )

0.1.66 2015-11-12

* bin/swat - hotfix for host:port issue 

0.1.65 2015-11-08

* this version is fully compatible with the latest version of Outthentic::DSL (0.0.3)


* skip story feature added

0.1.63 2015-10-30

* minor documentation changes

0.1.62 2015-10-30

* Outthentic::DSL - now is a distinct module
* made use of Outthentic::DSL
* documentation changed for the sake of usage of Outthentic::DSL
* refactored examples
* bin/swat minor changes

0.1.61 2015-10-23

* small changes in TAP output
* --match_l variable - in TAP output truncate matching strings to {match_l} bytes

- removed old dependencies from Makefile.PL
- project_root_dir() now return correct value
- minor issues related TAP output

- documentation improvements
- curl <host/resource> parameter now is single quoted

- add META.yml to cpan distribution

- handle errors from files loaded by do() function()

- documentation rewritten completely
- new features: 
  - perl hooks api: modify_resourse, accessors, stories, swat_modules, set_server_response  
  - blank lines matchers
  - DELETE http methods
  - project_root default value is `pwd`
  - test_file is now http resourse path
- breaking changes 
  - dynamic routes are deprecated
  - bash hooks are deprecated
  - project based and cleanup perl hooks are deprecated
  - swat packages are deprecated
- just a documentation release - various fixes at documentation

- new feature - captures
- variable names refactoring
- ability to run a single test

- by bmartins - removed trailing slash that breaks paths on OSX - PR#2
- block-of-text ok asserts are prefixed by '|' for visability

- new feature - PUT requests
- dynamic routes could contain digits, '-', and '_' 
- made filenames for tests and http response much shorter 

- fast fix for context_populate issue

- documentation fixes ( brought by 0.1.48 version )

- new feature - begin: ... end: blocks

- MANIFEST.SKIP corrected
- show matched lines when debug_mod1

- debug2 now shows swat info

- minor refactoring - improving some test::more ok() messages from swat
- fix for debug_mod1 silent behavior 

- remove some diag messages from output ( show them only when debug is set )
- debug 1,2,3 - many levels of verbosity

- hotfix for final exit code

- use-strict refactoring
- project is equal safe_project

- absolute paths for route_dir, project 

- fix for bash global startup script
- export port variable

- swat cleanup/startup hooks
- route_dir variable in lib/swat.pm

- small documentation changes

- bash hooks

- fix for default host for swat packages

- swat.my settings to override project based swat.ini files
- all bash variables get unset before a new route is started 
- added examples to cpan distro

- removed pwd from require path to hook.pm files
- fix for regexp checks with quoted patterns

- documentation typo fixes - thanks to @zoffixznet - pull/1
- small refactoring ( better names for variables )
- added abstract and copyright sections

- small documentation fixes
- does not print result of File::ShareDir::module_dir in conditional statement  
- respect prove_options set as environment variable

- correct calculation of swat settings 

- hotfix for curl_params='' issue 

- technical release, ./examples directory removed from CPAN archive   

- Makefile.PL - use Module::Install instead of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- swatman is deprecated
- now swat packages as cpan packages
- apply environment settings with highest priority

- prove options could be set by prove_options environment variable 
- typos fixes in documentation
- default host  feature 
- host validation

- fix for running swat ./

- dynamic routes

- removed none ASCII symbols from pod

- swat hooks
- documentation fixes 

- a documentation release

- swat packages support
- PERL5LIB in swat doc

- update documentation
- add version() function to get swat package version

- update documentation 
- noproxy deprecated
- multiline entities

- Add swat entities generators 
- Add noproxy settings
- Fix pod documentation 

- Add pod documentation to lib/swat.pm

- Makefile.PL sets swat.pm version in provides hash to make it visible at CPAN

- CPAN compatible version ( minor fixes in Makefile.PL )

- Makefile.PL - does not require any specific version of perl 

- http port variable
- update documentation 
- improve examples

- small fixes related swat settings 
- add some extra info in swat output 
- a lot of improvements to documentation
- add todo list

- does not add http:// for requested url 

- curl_params variable now is respected 
- small internal changes ( path to session file )

- fix typos in README
- notion of prove options in README
- add some extra info in swat output 

- fix for case when post and get check patterns files exist for the same route
- typo fixes in lib/swat.pm help info 

- increase connect-timeout to 20 seconds

- first version