Revision history for perl module Text::Amuse::Compile

0.07 2014-03-08
 - New format: zip file with sources and attachments

0.06 2014-03-02
 - Removed noisy debug (leftover of the previous change)

0.05 2014-03-02
 - Force bcor=0mm and oneside=true for default .tex output
 - Renamed option size to papersize to avoid TT problems (which would interpret
   the size as the size of the options hashref

0.04 2014-03-01
 - Disabled testing with XeLaTeX by default and fixed localtime warning

0.03 2014-03-01
 - Added options to pass to the templates

0.02 2014-02-26
 - Fixed missing binary in MANIFEST

0.01 2014-02-26
 - First public version with basic features