package Text::Amuse::Compile::Templates;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use utf8;

use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile/;

=head1 NAME

Text::Amuse::Compile::Templates - Built-in templates for Text::Amuse::Compile

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(ttdir => 'mytemplates')

Costructor. Options:

=over 4

=item ttdir

The directory where to search for templates.

B<Disclaimer>: some things are needed for a correct
layout/compilation. It's strongly reccomended to use the existing one
(known to work as expected) as starting point for a custom template.

=item format_id

If passed, a template named C<${format_id}-${name}.tt> will be loaded
if exists in the C<ttdir> directory. This gives you as much
flexibility as you need for output.



The following methods return a B<reference> to a scalar with the
templates. It should be self-evident which kind of template they

=head3 html

=head3 css

The default CSS, with some minor templating.

=head3 bare_html

The HTML fragment with the B<body> of the text (no HTML headers, no
Muse headers).

=head3 minimal_html

Minimal (but valid) XHTML template, with a link to C<stylesheet.css>.
Meant to be used in the EPUB generation.

=head3 title_page_html

Minimal XHTML template for a title page in the EPUB generation.

=head3 bare_latex

Minimal and uncomplete LaTeX chunck, meant to be used when merging

=head3 latex

The LaTeX template.

The template itself uses two hashrefs with tokens: C<options> and
C<safe_options>. The C<options> contains tokens which are interpreted
as L<Text::Amuse> strings from the C<extra> constructor. The
C<safe_options> ones contains validate copies of the C<options> for
places where it make sense, plus some internal things like the
languages and additional strings to get the LaTeX code right.

We use only the C<safe_options> tokens, while the C<options> should be
used only by custom templates which in this way can receive random

See L<Text::Amuse::Compile::TemplateOptions>

Anyway, all the values from C<options> and C<safe_options>, because of the
markup interpretation, are (hopefully) safely escaped (so you can pass
even LaTeX commands, and they will be escaped).

=head3 slides

The Beamer template. It shares the same tokens (when it makes sense)
with the LaTeX template.

Theme and color theme selection is done via the
Text::Amuse::Compile::BeamerThemes class, calling C<as_latex> on the
object. The relevant token is C<options.beamer_theme>, picked up from
the C<beamertheme> and C<beamercolortheme> from the C<extra>


=head3 ttref($name)

Return the scalar ref associated to the given template file, if any.

=head3 names

Return the list of methods for template generation


sub new {
    my ($class, @args) = @_;
    die "Wrong usage" if @args % 2;
    my %params = @args;
    my $self = {};

    # argument parsing
    foreach my $k (qw/ttdir format_id/) {
        if (exists $params{$k}) {
            $self->{$k} = delete $params{$k};
    die "Unrecognized options: " . join(" ", keys %params) if %params;

    $self->{tt_subrefs} = {};
    if (exists $self->{ttdir} and defined $self->{ttdir}) {

        if (-d $self->{ttdir}) {
            my $dir = $self->{ttdir};
            opendir (my $dh, $dir) or die "Couldn't open $dir $!";
            my @templates = grep { -f catfile($dir, $_) 
                                            (bare[_.-])?latex     |
                               } readdir($dh);
            closedir $dh;

            foreach my $t (@templates) {
                my $target = catfile($dir, $t); 
                open (my $fh, '<:encoding(utf-8)', $target)
                  or die "Can't open $target $!";
                local $/ = undef;
                my $content = <$fh>;
                close $fh;

                # manipulate the subref name
                $t =~ s/\.(tt|tt2)//;
                $t =~ s/[\.-]/_/g;

                # populate the object with closures.
                $self->{tt_subrefs}->{$t} = sub {
                    # copy the content, otherwise we return
                    # a ref that can be modified
                    my $string = $content;
                    return \$string;
        else {
            die "<$self->{ttdir}> is not a directory!";
    bless $self, $class;

sub ttdir {
    return shift->{ttdir};

sub format_id {
    return shift->{format_id};

sub names {
    return (qw/html minimal_html bare_html
               css latex bare_latex

sub ttref {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    return unless $name;
    my $tts = $self->{tt_subrefs};
    if (my $format_id = $self->format_id) {
        my $try = $format_id . '_' . $name;
        if (my $sub = $tts->{$try}) {
            return $sub->();
    if (my $sub = $tts->{$name}) {
        return $sub->();

sub html {
    my $self = shift;
    if (my $ref = $self->ttref('html')) {
        return $ref;
    my $html = <<'EOF';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="[% doc.language_code %]" lang="[% doc.language_code %]" dir="[% doc.html_direction %]">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" />
  <title>[% title %]</title>
  <style type="text/css">
[% css %]
 <div id="page">
  [% IF doc.wants_preamble %]
  [% IF %]
  <h2 class="amw-text-author">[% %]</h2>
  [% END %]
  <h1 class="amw-text-title">[% doc.header_as_html.title %]</h1>
  [% IF doc.header_defined.subtitle %]
  <h2>[% doc.header_as_html.subtitle %]</h2>
  [% END  %]
  [% IF %]
  <h3 class="amw-text-date">[% %]</h3>
  [% END  %]
  [% END %]
  [% IF doc.toc_as_html %]
  <div class="table-of-contents"[% IF options.notoc %] style="display:none"[% END %]>
  [% doc.toc_as_html %]
  [% END %]
 <div id="thework">
[% doc.as_html %]
  <hr />
  [% IF doc.wants_postamble %]
  <div id="impressum">

    [% IF doc.header_defined.seriesname %]
    [% IF doc.header_defined.seriesnumber %]
    <div class="amw-impressum amw-text-series" id="amw-impressum-series">
    [% doc.header_as_html.seriesname %] [% doc.header_as_html.seriesnumber %]
    [% END %]
    [% END %]

    [% IF doc.header_defined.source %]
    <div class="amw-impressum amw-text-source" id="source">
    [% doc.header_as_html.source %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF doc.header_defined.notes %]
    <div class="amw-impressum amw-text-notes" id="notes">
    [% doc.header_as_html.notes %]
    [% END %]

    [% IF doc.header_defined.rights %]
    <div class="amw-impressum amw-text-rights" id="amw-impressum-rights">
    [% doc.header_as_html.rights %]
    [% END %]

    [% IF doc.header_defined.isbn %]
    <div class="amw-impressum amw-text-isbn" id="amw-impressum-isbn">
    ISBN [% doc.header_as_html.isbn %]
    [% END %]

    [% IF doc.header_defined.publisher %]
    <div class="amw-impressum amw-text-publisher" id="amw-impressum-publisher">
    [% doc.header_as_html.publisher %]
    [% END %]

  [% END %]

    return \$html;

sub css {
    my $self = shift;
    if (my $ref = $self->ttref('css')) {
        return $ref;
    my $css = <<'EOF';
[% IF epub %]
@page { margin: 5pt; }
[% END %]

[% IF webfonts %]

@font-face {
  font-family: "[% %]";
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
  src: url("[% webfonts.regular %]") format("[% webfonts.format %]");
@font-face {
  font-family: "[% %]";
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: italic;
  src: url("[% webfonts.italic %]") format("[% webfonts.format %]");
@font-face {
  font-family: "[% %]";
  font-weight: bold;
  font-style: normal;
  src: url("[% webfonts.bold %]") format("[% webfonts.format %]");
@font-face {
  font-family: "[% %]";
  font-weight: bold;
  font-style: italic;
  src: url("[% webfonts.bolditalic %]") format("[% webfonts.format %]");

[% END %]

html,body {
	border: none;
 	background: transparent;
	font-family: [% IF fonts %]"[% %]",[% END %] serif;

div#thework {
    margin-top: 3em;

div#thework > p {
   margin: 0;
   text-indent: 1em;
   text-align: justify;

p.tableofcontentline {
   margin: 0;

blockquote > p, li > p {
   margin-top: 0.5em;
   text-indent: 0em;
   text-align: justify;

a {
   text-decoration: underline;

.table-of-contents a {
   text-decoration: none;

[% IF epub %]
 * Workaround for Cool Reader, which as of version 3.2.9
 * does not have default styles for blockquotes defined.
 * These values are taken from
 * Firefox 66 uses the same styles by default.
blockquote {
   margin: 1em 40px;
[% END %]

[% IF html %]
div#page {
[% END %]

pre, code {
    font-family: [% IF fonts %]"[% %]",[% END %]Consolas, courier, monospace;

pre {
    overflow: auto;

/* invisibles */
span.hiddenindex, span.commentmarker, .comment, span.tocprefix, #hitme {
    display: none

h1 {
    font-size: 200%;
    margin: .67em 0;
    clear: both;
h2 {
    font-size: 180%;
    margin: .75em 0;
    clear: both;
h3 {
    font-size: 150%;
    margin: .83em 0;
    clear: both;
h4 {
    font-size: 130%;
    margin: 1.12em 0;
    clear: both;
h5 {
    font-size: 115%;
    margin: 1.5em 0;
    clear: both;
h6 {
    font-size: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    clear: both;

[% IF centerchapter %]
h1, h2, h3 { text-align: center; }
[% END %]

[% IF centersection %]
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { text-align: center; }
[% END %]

sup, sub {
    font-size: 80%;
    line-height: 0;

/* invisibles */
span.hiddenindex, span.commentmarker, .comment, span.tocprefix, #hitme {
    display: none

.comment {
    background: rgb(255,255,158);

.verse {
    margin: 24px 48px;
    overflow: auto;

table, th, td {
    border: solid 1px black;
    border-collapse: collapse;

td, th {
    padding: 2px 5px;

table {
    margin: 24px auto;

td, th { vertical-align: top; }

caption {

table.markdown-style-table th,
table.markdown-style-table td {
    border: none;

table.markdown-style-table > thead > tr > th,
table.markdown-style-table > thead > tr > td {
    border-bottom: solid 1px black;

table.markdown-style-table > tfoot > tr > th,
table.markdown-style-table > tfoot > tr > td {
    border-top: solid 1px black;

table.markdown-style-table > thead > tr > td {
    border-bottom: solid 1px black;

hr {
    margin: 24px 0;
    color: #000;
    height: 1px;
    background-color: #000;

img.embedimg {
div.image, div.float_image_f {
    margin: 1em;
    text-align: center;
    padding: 3px;
    background-color: white;

div.float_image_r {
    float: right;
    text-align: center;
    margin: 1em 0 1em 1em;

div.float_image_l {
    float: left;
    text-align: center;
    margin: 1em 1em 1em 0;

div.float_image_f {
    margin-top: 3em;
    margin-bottom: 3em;
    clear: both;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;


.biblio p, .play p {
  margin-left: 1em;
  text-indent: -1em;

div.biblio, {
  padding: 24px 0;

div.caption {
    padding-top: 1em;
    text-align: center;
} {
    text-align: center;
    margin: 1em 0 1em 0;

div.right {
    text-align: right;
    margin: 1em 0 1em 0;

div.right > p {
    margin: 0;
} > p {
    margin: 0;

.toclevel1 {
	font-weight: bold;

.toclevel2 {
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 100%;
    padding-left: 1em;

.toclevel3 {
	font-weight: normal;
	font-size: 90%;
    padding-left: 2em;

.toclevel4 {
	font-weight: normal;
	font-size: 80%;
    padding-left: 3em;

/* definition lists */

dt {
	font-weight: bold;
dd {
    margin: 0;
    padding-left: 2em;

/* footnotes */

a.footnote, a.footnotebody {
    font-size: 80%;
    line-height: 0;
    vertical-align: super;
    text-decoration: none;

* + p.fnline, * + p.secondary-fnline {
    border-top: 1px solid black;
    padding-top: 0.5em;

p.fnline + p.fnline,  p.secondary-fnline + p.secondary-fnline {
    border-top: none;
    padding-top: 0;

p.fnline, p.secondary-fnline {
    font-size: 80%;

/* end footnotes */

div.amw-impressum {
    margin-top: 1em;

div.amw-impressum-container {
    margin-top: 10em;

    return \$css;

sub bare_html {
    my $self = shift;
    if (my $ref = $self->ttref('bare_html')) {
        return $ref;
    my $html = <<'EOF';
[% IF doc.toc_as_html %]
<div class="table-of-contents"[% IF options.notoc %] style="display:none"[% END %] dir="[% doc.html_direction %]">
[% doc.toc_as_html %]
[% END %]
<div id="thework" dir="[% doc.html_direction %]">
[% doc.as_html %]
    return \$html;

sub title_page_html {
    my $self = shift;
    if (my $ref = $self->ttref('title_page_html')) {
        return $ref;
    my $html = <<'EOF';
[% IF doc.wants_preamble %]
<div id="first-page-title-page">
  [% IF %]
  <h2 class="amw-text-author">[% %]</h2>
  [% END %]
  <h1 class="amw-text-title">[% doc.header_as_html.title %]</h1>
  [% IF doc.header_defined.subtitle %]
  <h2 class="amw-text-subtitle">[% doc.header_as_html.subtitle %]</h2>
  [% END  %]
  [% IF %]
  <h3 class="amw-text-date">[% %]</h3>
  [% END  %]
[% END %]
<div style="padding-top: 3em; padding-bottom: 3em; text-align:center">
 <strong>* * * * *</strong>
[% IF doc.wants_postamble %]
<div id="impressum-title-page">
  [% IF doc.header_defined.source %]
  <div class="amw-text-source" id="source">
  [% doc.header_as_html.source %]
  [% END %]
  [% IF doc.header_defined.notes %]
  <div class="amw-text-notes" id="notes">
  [% doc.header_as_html.notes %]
  [% END %]
[% END %]
    return \$html;

sub minimal_html {
    # has no options.
    my $self = shift;
    if (my $ref = $self->ttref('minimal_html')) {
        return $ref;
    my $html = <<'EOF';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="[% language_code %]" lang="[% language_code %]" dir="[% html_direction %]">
    <title>[% title %]</title>
    <link href="stylesheet.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <div id="page">
      <div id="thework">
<!-- start body -->
[% text %]
<!-- end body -->
    return \$html;

sub latex {
    my $self = shift;
    if (my $ref = $self->ttref('latex')) {
        return $ref;
    my $latex = <<'EOF';
\documentclass[DIV=[% safe_options.division %],%
               BCOR=[% safe_options.bcor %],%
               headinclude=[% IF safe_options.headings %]true[% ELSE %]false[% END %],%
               footinclude=false,[% IF safe_options.opening %]open=[% safe_options.opening %],[% END %]%
               fontsize=[% safe_options.fontsize %]pt,%
               [% safe_options.paging %],%
               paper=[% safe_options.papersize %]]%
               {[% safe_options.class %]}
[% IF safe_options.areaset_width %]
[% IF safe_options.areaset_height %]
\areaset[current]{[% safe_options.areaset_width %]}{[% safe_options.areaset_height %]}
[% END %]
[% END %]

[% IF tex_indexes %]
[% FOREACH idx IN tex_indexes %]
\makeindex[name=[% %],title={[% idx.title %]}]
[% END %]
[% END %]

[% tex_setup_langs %]

[% IF safe_options.nocoverpage %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]

% global style
[% IF safe_options.headings %]
  [% IF safe_options.twoside %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.part_chapter %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.title_subtitle %]
    \rehead{[% doc.header_as_latex.title %]}
    \lohead{[% IF doc.header_defined.subtitle %][% doc.header_as_latex.subtitle %][% ELSE %][% doc.header_as_latex.title %][% END %]}
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.author_title %]
    \rehead{[% IF %][% %][% ELSE %][% doc.header_as_latex.title %][% END %]}
    \lohead{[% doc.header_as_latex.title %]}
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.section_subsection %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.chapter_section %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.title_chapter %]
    \rehead{[% doc.header_as_latex.title %]}
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.title_section %]
    \rehead{[% doc.header_as_latex.title %]}
    [% END %]
  [% ELSE %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.part_chapter %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.title_subtitle %]
    \chead{[% doc.header_as_latex.title %]}
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.author_title %]
    \chead{[% doc.header_as_latex.title %]}
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.section_subsection %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.chapter_section %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.title_chapter %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF safe_options.headings.title_section %]
    [% END %]
  [% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]


% remove the numbering

% remove labels from the captions

[% IF safe_options.continuefootnotes %]
[% UNLESS safe_options.nocoverpage %]
% continuous numbering across the document. Defaults to resetting at chapter.
[% END %]
[% END %]

[% IF safe_options.centerchapter %]
[% END %]
[% IF safe_options.centersection %]
[% END %]

[% IF enable_secondary_footnotes %]
[% IF safe_options.secondary_footnotes_alpha %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% END %]

[% UNLESS safe_options.sansfontsections %]
[% END %]

% avoid vertical glue

% this will generate overfull boxes, so we need to set a tolerance
% \pretolerance=1000
% pretolerance is what is accepted for a paragraph without
% hyphenation, so it makes sense to be strict here and let the user
% accept tweak the tolerance instead.
\tolerance=[% safe_options.tex_tolerance %]
% Additional tolerance for bad paragraphs only
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{[% safe_options.tex_emergencystretch %]}

% (try to) forbid widows/orphans

[% IF safe_options.fussy_last_word %]
[% END %]

% given that we said footinclude=false, this should be safe

\title{[% doc.header_as_latex.title %]}
\date{[% %]}
\author{[% %]}
\subtitle{[% doc.header_as_latex.subtitle %]}

[% IF safe_options.nobold %]
[% END %]

[% IF tex_metadata %]
pdftitle={[% tex_metadata.title %]},%
pdfauthor={[% %]},%
pdfsubject={[% tex_metadata.subject %]},%
pdfkeywords={[% tex_metadata.keywords %]}%
[% END %]

[% IF doc.hyphenation %]
\hyphenation{ [% doc.hyphenation %] }
[% END %]

[% IF safe_options.start_with_empty_page %]
% start with an empty page
[% END %]

[% IF safe_options.nocoverpage %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]

  \strut\vskip 2em
[% IF doc.wants_preamble %]
  {\usekomafont{title}{\huge [% doc.header_as_latex.title %]\par}}%
  \vskip 1em
  [% IF doc.header_defined.subtitle %]
  {\usekomafont{subtitle}{[% doc.header_as_latex.subtitle %]\par}}%
  [% END %]
  \vskip 2em
  [% IF %]
  {\usekomafont{author}{[% %]\par}}%
  [% END %]
  \vskip 1.5em
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]

[% UNLESS safe_options.nocoverpage %]
   [% IF safe_options.cover %]
      [% UNLESS safe_options.ignore_cover %]
      \vskip 3em
      \includegraphics[keepaspectratio=true,height=0.5\textheight,width=[% safe_options.coverwidth %]\textwidth]{[% safe_options.cover %]}
      [% END %]
   [% END %]
[% END %]

[% IF doc.wants_preamble %]
  [% IF %]
  {\usekomafont{date}{[% %]\par}}%
  [% ELSE %]
  [% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]


[% IF safe_options.nocoverpage %]
  \vskip 3em
[% ELSE %]
     [% IF safe_options.impressum %]
          % impressum

               [% IF doc.header_defined.seriesname %]
               [% IF doc.header_defined.seriesnumber %]
                  [% doc.header_as_latex.seriesname %] [% doc.header_as_latex.seriesnumber %]
               [% END %]
               [% END %]

               [% IF doc.header_defined.notes %]
                  [% doc.header_as_latex.notes %]
               [% END %]

               [% IF doc.header_defined.rights %]
                 [% doc.header_as_latex.rights %]
               [% END %]

               [% IF doc.header_defined.isbn %]
                 ISBN [% doc.header_as_latex.isbn %]
               [% END %]

               [% IF doc.header_defined.publisher %]
                 [% doc.header_as_latex.publisher %]
               [% END %]

     [% END %]
[% END %]

[% IF safe_options.wants_toc %]
% start a new right-handed page
[% IF safe_options.nocoverpage %]
  \vskip 3em
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% END %]

[% latex_body %]

[% FOREACH idx IN tex_indexes %]
\printindex[[% %]]
[% END %]

[% UNLESS safe_options.nofinalpage %]
% begin final page


[% IF safe_options.twoside %]
% if we are on an odd page, add another one, otherwise when imposing
% the page would be odd on an even one.
[% END %]

% new page for the colophon


[% IF safe_options.sitename %]
[% safe_options.sitename %]
[% END %]

[% IF safe_options.siteslogan %]
[% safe_options.siteslogan %]
[% END %]

[% IF safe_options.logo %]
\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{[% safe_options.logo %]}
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]




[% IF doc.wants_preamble %]
[%     %]

[% doc.header_as_latex.title      %]

[% doc.header_as_latex.subtitle   %]

[%       %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]


[% IF doc.wants_postamble %]
[% doc.header_as_latex.source     %]
   [% UNLESS safe_options.impressum  %]

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=head1 EXPORT


