Revision history for Redis
1.900_01 Sun Jan 30 06:03:14 UTC 2011
* admin: change of maintainer to Pedro Melo <>
* feature: full support for Redis 2.x multi-bulk protocol
* feature: support for Redis PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE commands
* feature: automatic encoding can be turned off, use encoding => undef on new() (performance++)
* performance: substantial performance improvements, specially with large responses
* fix: add POP method to our List Tie interface
1.2001 Wed Mar 17 17:22:01 CET 2010
* feadure: Redis protocol 1.2 support by Jeremy Zawodny <> CPAN RT #54841
* Version bump to be in-sync with Redis version
* bug: Correctly round-trip utf-8 encoded characters
0.08 Tue Mar 24 22:38:59 CET 2009
* This version supports new protocol introduced in beta 8
* Version bump to be in-sync with Redis version
0.01 Sun Mar 22 19:02:17 CET 2009
* First version, tracking git://